I had two cars repossessed, and I was writing bad checks, but I gave myself a timeline.
I had two cars repossessed, and I was writing bad checks, but I gave myself a timeline.
Banks have historically covered bad checks for valued clients, who were invited to opt in to overdraft protection or to link their checking accounts to savings accounts or to lines of credit.
Why are these two existential checks bad?
The instructor checks the results. "Your landing is very bad, " he says gravely.
Tyler checks out the proposals and throws out any bad ideas.
Adding these checks came out of a user bug report identifying a potential bad distance calculation.
The Madoff scandal echoes a deeper absence inside our financial system, which has been undermined not merely by bad behavior but by the lack of checks and balances to discourage it.
He said: 'Yes, I 'have a swollen knee due to a bad tackle, but I hope I don't need to have medical checks. I think it can improve by itself.
It is not long before a doctor on duty arrives at Room 506. He checks her and tells Jack that Cheryl has caught a bad cold. She must be sent to the hospital as soon as possible.
Clark County, which encompasses Las Vegas, prosecutes roughly 200 cases involving gambling debts a month, says Bernie Zadrowski, who runs the bad-checks unit.
据执掌这个部门的扎德·罗斯基(Bernie Zadrowski)说,拉斯维加斯隶属的克拉克县每月起诉大约200个涉及赌债的案件。
Clark County, which encompasses Las Vegas, prosecutes roughly 200 cases involving gambling debts a month, says Bernie Zadrowski, who runs the bad-checks unit.
据执掌这个部门的扎德·罗斯基(Bernie Zadrowski)说,拉斯维加斯隶属的克拉克县每月起诉大约200个涉及赌债的案件。