The Mediterranean summer is baking hot.
It came at the end of a gruelling Final on a baking hot day at the old stadium.
On a baking hot day at Wembley after a long, hard season, both teams found it hard going.
The friend is a solid wall, a baking hot heart. From the friend's heart, we can be then Shared to go to in the world greatest love!
As a place of sanctuary it is pretty bleak. The camp is nothing more than a bunch of decrepit and disused mud huts on the edge of a baking hot, dusty plain.
Natures fury: Nick Selway, 28, and CJ Kale, 35, braved baking hot 110F waters to capture these images, as they floated just feet from scalding heat and floating lava bombs.
On the adjacent fire, another meal known as "bread cups" has been baking, shaped around hot stones.
As a result, the catalogue of planets is filled with "hot Jupiters", huge bodies baking brightly in the light of their sun.
While the baking-hot temperatures break down the volatility of the spill, toxicity is still a concern.
In a surprise finding, undersea hot lava is baking ocean sediments and releasing greenhouse gases. By Larry o 'hanlon.
Sprinkle some baking soda inside your mug and wipe it around with a damp cloth. Stains from coffee or hot tea will quickly disappear.
Pour the hot baking soda and water mixture into the pan, and completely cover the silver.
To the hot water, add about one cup of baking soda for each gallon of water.
For the week before to Easter, mesa will be busy baking fresh, traditional Hot Cross Buns.
The children were baking in the hot afternoon sun.
The refractory material, masonry technique and baking schedule of hot metal ladle lining are improved under practical production conditions.
Currently, our country north of in the food baking dry, main usage steam and hot breeze dryer.
Meanwhile, outside every cottage, wisps of stuck: rise from tile ground oven, or umu, where the Sunday feast is baking on red-hot rocks covered with banana leaves and soil.
The results suggests that hot wind cycle baking stove had a significant effects on improving baking quality of tobacco.
The features of different baking methods are evaluated so that the gas regenerator is used for baking the ladle for hot metal.
Fill baking dish with very hot water; place manicotti sheets one at a time in water. let stand10minutes until softened.
This machine varies in hot wind rotating oven baking and direct furnace baking.
Vinegar turtle, a processed product using the stir-baking in sand with hot vinegar quenched.
This article has described a high efficient and energy saving heating device-fuel oil hot air oven, which is used as the oven in baking line of painting production line.
This article has described a high efficient and energy saving heating device-fuel oil hot air oven, which is used as the oven in baking line of painting production line.