By getting the direction function from the output AC current, the applied time of voltage vectors in one PWM period was chosen, the direction of central current was controlled for DC voltage balance.
The problem of voltage balance was solved by a compensation for the difference of the output voltage of capacitor.
The relationship between the unity power factor and the voltage balance of the capacitor was discussed.
A mathematical model of secondary current distribution for the gas-evolving electrode is presented on the basis of mass balance and voltage balance.
KIWA synthetic power saver with his unique structure form eliminates higher harmonic of the electrical network by way of the balance in adjusting three-phase current and voltage.
The voltage and inactive power control of substations have become necessary measures to ensure the voltage quality and inactive power balance and improve the reliability and economy of power system.
The problem of neutral-point balance is resolved by changing the amplitude of current reference according to the voltage error of two capacitors.
DC voltage balance is the key issues of cascaded dynamic voltage restorer.
Subsequently, a novel controller for DC bus voltage regulation is put forward according to the small signal model based on the instantaneous power balance in AC and DC sides of three-phase SAPF.
Based on the balance of the instantaneous power of the distribution static synchronous compensator (DSTATCOM) system the direct output voltage control strategy for voltage control is proposed.
Feedforward signal includes the information of both grid voltage and DC side load. Power balance between the input and output can be maintained by adjusting AC side currents.
The pole of the output voltage is connected to the balance housing, which can be grounded for operation.
The harmonic balance analysis is applied to calculate the frequency spectrum of the AIA and the voltage across the impedance model.
In the normal fluctuation range of voltage it could realize reactive power balance basically.
The function of voltage and current balance must be put in at rectifier side after releasing fire angle limited;
The results show that the forward conduction voltage drop reduces while the temperature increases and the current balance coefficients of converter in creases with temperature rising.
The scale of modern power system becomes larger and larger, the balance of reactive power and voltage stabilize is very important.
The scale of modern power system becomes larger and larger, the balance of reactive power and voltage stabilize is very important.