They decided to ballot for competing lanes.
Chelsea and I voted first, then hugged each other as we watched Hillary close the curtain and cast a ballot for herself.
In her late thirties, she cast a ballot for the first time in her life to back Obama, citing healthcare as her biggest concern.
The result of the ballot will not be known for two weeks.
His nominee for vice president was elected only after a second ballot.
They had already voted for him at the first ballot.
He publicly attacked the people who've been calling for secret ballot nominations.
There will be two ballot boxes—one for yesses and one for noes.
Shortlists for job interviews, election ballot papers, lists of conference speakers and attendees: all tend to be drawn up alphabetically.
Shortlists for job interviews, election ballot papers, lists of conference speakers and attendees: all tend to be drawn up alphabetically.
Nixon won on the first ballot, with 692 votes to 277 for Rockefeller and 182 for Reagan.
At a time when women s voices were silenced and their hopes dismissed, she lived to see them stand up and speak out and reach for the ballot.
It was voters, for example, who by means of ballot initiatives insisted that the state spend more money on schools and stem-cell research.
For 6,000 to have voted in an hour at the 12 ballot boxes, they would have had an average of seven seconds each.
Finally, on the forty-seventh ballot, support began to increase for one of the minor candidates. His name was Franklin Pierce.
To deny anyone or any group the ballot lessens its importance, for the individual and for the community.
Every Saturday morning, she and Davila knocked on doors for petition signatures that would put Barack on the ballot.
They limit how long a President can serve (two four-year terms), make it easier for candidates to get on the ballot and restrict a President's ability to impose a state of emergency.
After casting her ballot, an elderly woman named Joan leans slightly on a cane and explains her vote for Senator Clinton.
They've raised $7 million for a new ballot initiative — seven times what the losing effort raised two years ago, and 70 times what opponents have raised this year.
The late Mr Qian won the last ballot in 2005 on a tide of support for his campaign to secure better compensation for the land occupied by the power plant.
Several factors explain this surge in enthusiasm for the ballot box.
Moreover, in 2010 voters will return to the ballot box for the Diet’s less powerful upper house.
They could write "E" for eunuch on passports and on certain government forms, but had failed in their campaign for acceptance at the ballot box.
现在,他们可以在护照和一些公文表格上填写“E”(Eunuch 就是去睾者的意思),但这场斗争始终没能为他们赢得投票箱的赞同。
It's been 145 years since Abraham Lincoln appeared on a ballot, but admiration for the man who saved the union and sparked the end of slavery is as strong as ever, according to a new survey.
Of 320,000 registered voters, nearly 80% cast a ballot, a triumph for civic educators in the fastidiously administered Himalayan kingdom.
Of 320, 000 registered voters, nearly 80% cast a ballot, a triumph for civic educators in the fastidiously administered Himalayan kingdom.
For example, in ballot-election.xml, elements have an allow_writein element that is superfluous to, and not included in, EBIs or REBIs.
比如,在ballot - election . xml中,元素中有一个元素allow _ writein,对于EBT或者REBI,这个元素是多余的,并且它们不包含该元素。
For example, in ballot-election.xml, elements have an allow_writein element that is superfluous to, and not included in, EBIs or REBIs.
比如,在ballot - election . xml中,元素中有一个元素allow _ writein,对于EBT或者REBI,这个元素是多余的,并且它们不包含该元素。