NET has done a bang-up job of designing its products with service in mind.
Eric was chosen as the best staff this month as he really did a bang-up job.
I expect that by looking at just a few problems, the TA will be able to do a bang-up job with the grading.
The CEO arrived at Ford in late 2006 after 37 years at Boeing, amid some sniping that he wasn't a "car guy" - as if the car guys in Detroit were doing a bang-up job.
As familiar as 'Super 8' feels, it's a welcome rush down memory lane that does a bang-up job of channeling that early Spielberg magic -- all while making it feel fresh.
就像《超级8》给人的感觉一样。 过去的观影记忆慢慢灌入脑海,早期斯皮尔伯格影片的魔力使得这一切又重新焕发活力。
All up and down the street the windows bang shut.
Our computers are bang up to date.
The presence of dark energy has been independently backed up by measurements of the cosmic microwave background, the radiation left over from the big bang.
According to the big bang model, our universe is made up of around 4% of normal (atomic) matter; 22% dark matter and 74% dark energy.
We back so far up we're finally seeing a containment around us -- the afterglow of the Big Bang.
The idea of dark energy was dreamed up ten years ago, to explain why the expansion of the universe that began with the Big Bang seems to be accelerating, rather than slowing down.
If the universe were a virtual reality, its creation at the big bang would no longer be paradoxical, as every virtual system must be booted up.
It works like this. Across the post-big Bang universe, collections of Higgs bosons make up a pervasive Higgs field - which is theoretically where particles get mass.
They were looking at exploding stars in the distant universe, and they noticed that not only is the universe expanding from its big bang origin, but its expansion is actually speeding up.
The leading candidate is a WIMP, or weakly-interacting massive particle, that was produced in the big bang and has been clumping up and seeding structures such as galaxies ever since.
I've seen children's eyes light up when I tell them about black holes and the big bang.
For the hospitality industry, this means that if all these real Numbers show up at the reception desk and bang on the bell, there won't be enough rooms for all of them, even at the Hilbert Hotel.
We are rolling a snowball, saving up for a big bang release at some hypothetical point in the future when all stories are complete (if that ever happens).
Whittle has come up with a soundtrack to the birth of the cosmos-and it doesn't sound anything like a bang.
"Shut UP!" Harry bellowed, directing his wand at her, and with a bang and a burst of red sparks, the curtains swung shut again, silencing her.
If you're an analyst or start-up founder and you want access to what people are going to be excited about next year, FutureRuby is the big bang.
Things got off to a bang with an initial firework display which lit up Beijing's skyline, followed by a total of 2,008 energetic drummers beating a countdown.
Anderson used Amazon's cloud computing system to set up millions of "monkeys" (which are actually simple computer programs) that randomly bang out nine-character combinations.
The enemy pillbox was blown up with a bang.
As he groped his way across the hall he stumbled over a toy - cart, left there by one of his numerous nephews and nieces, and brought up against a door with a resounding bang.
In April, China began a campaign to "clean up" the Internet that saw popular US TV shows such as the Big Bang Theory and the Good Wife removed from video streaming sites.
The enemy pillbox was blown up with a bang.
The cosmic microwave background - called the CMB for short - also provides evidence to back up the Big Bang theory.
The cosmic microwave background - called the CMB for short - also provides evidence to back up the Big Bang theory.