If you are buying a property in France, whether for a permanent or a holiday home, it is important to open a French bank account.
Gong Bo, a customer manager with the Bank of China in Shanghai said he was even more exhausted after the "long rest," and eating too much meat over the holiday had only made the situation worse.
What happens if payday falls on a bank holiday?
A: You remembered just in the Nick of time. The bank will be closed tomorrow for a holiday!
So are owners of overseas holiday homes, who often deposit the rent in offshore bank accounts offshore without telling the taxman-definitely illegal, but often hard to track down.
If there was one place Stephen Moss, author of the Bumper Book of nature, could go this May bank holiday, it would be Minsmere, the RSPB's flagship nature reserve on the Suffolk coast.
The crisis ended-and the bottom of the slump was reached-only with a federal bank holiday, declared by Roosevelt within days of taking office.
It was the latest in a series of increases to rates, and the bank surprised some economists by announcing the rate increase on the last day of the Lunar New Year holiday.
Almost the same proportion, 49%, say they are more excited by the idea of an extra bank holiday than the wedding - only 31% disagree.
The estimated cost of lost productivity on a normal bank holiday in Britain, which, under the orders of Prime Minister David Cameron, the wedding day has become.
I believe we will have a bill before [US bank holiday] Thanksgiving.
Tourism was boosted, as were sales of Union flags and mugs. But this effect appears to have been wiped out by the extra bank holiday, which encouraged many factory owners to suspend plant operations.
Traditionally on a Bank Holiday many businesses are closed to enable the workers to have a holiday.
The name Bank Holiday comes from the time when Banks were shut and so no trading could take place.
The AA and others demand that the autumn increase in petrol duty should be postponed and millions of bank holiday motorists are told that Gordon Brown “feels your hurt”.
美国航空公司(AA? 不知道是什么缩写,译者)和其他公司要求推迟原计划于秋季增加的汽油税,并且,数以百万计的假日自驾旅行者告诉戈登·布朗(英国现任首相,译者注)他们“很受伤”。
But a cold day everywhere with temperatures of just 8c and a brisk northerly wind. Thank God it isn't a bank holiday.
The ONS thinks that one-off factors—an extra bank holiday, the tsunami in Japan, a heatwave in April—may have knocked 0.5% off activity in the second quarter.
The poll of 2, 000 people, for savings bank ING Direct, revealed the number of Britons taking a summer holiday has fallen sharply in the past three years.
根据荷兰国际集团调查的2000人存款的研究显示, 三年来,在夏天旅游度假的英国人的数目呈现大幅度下滑。
The first was to imagine they had $5, 000 in the bank. They could spend part or all of it on various luxury items such as a new car, a dinner party at a restaurant or a holiday in Europe.
Many Indian residents found themselves with little still-legal cash on hand ahead of a forcibly imposed bank holiday and a two-day shutdown of ATMs.
A weekday which is a public holiday when the bank is closed.
Easter Monday is a bank Holiday, on which Banks and other major businesses are closed.
Local dentists were contracted to provide a service each evening and also weekend and bank holiday mornings.
So the bank holiday was fun, of course.
New year's day is a bank holiday.
New year's day is a bank holiday.