In general, it is far easier for a bank to develop a reputation and trust in the market economy, than for an individual depositor to develop an equivalent brand name.
A depositor is a person who deposits money in a bank.
The main bank as a market also should follow the rules of market economy, and the depositor also should take the risk by their deposit.
Here market's strengths are mainly refer to the bank some benefit related main body, like depositor, creditor, shareholder and so on.
Once the power of the bank supervisory authority is not restrained, it may necessarily compromise the benefit of the depositor, the related customer.
A summary of all transactions, called a bank statement, is mailed to the depositor, usually each month.
At the request of the depositor the Bank may at its discretion repay some or all deposits before the due date.
When opening the Account, after approved by the Bank, the Depositor shall provide the documents as required …
存款人提供之文件所受之一切损害或因此而支出之一切费用应由存款人 负责。
When opening the Account, after approved by the Bank, the Depositor shall provide the documents as required …
存款人提供之文件所受之一切损害或因此而支出之一切费用应由存款人 负责。