New capital requirements seem more likely, in the vein of Suggestions raised by the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) and the Financial Stability Board.
The Bank of International Settlements has announced that OPEC surpluses have nose-dived, turning several OPEC states from being lenders on the financial markets into borrowers.
The bank for international Settlements (BIS), a club of central Banks, has used its data on international banking to develop a measure of maturity mismatch.
According to the bank for International Settlements, public-sector bonds account for only about 15% of European Banks' exposure to Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain.
Of course, some bodies, such as the venerable Bank for International Settlements (see article), still do a fine job.
According to the Bank for International Settlements, a staggering 40% of American mortgages originated in the first quarter of 2007 were interest-only or negative-amortisation loans.
And the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) published a paper entitled "Market Structures and Systemic Risks of Exchange-Traded Funds".
A 2005 paper for the bank for International Settlements, a forum for central Banks, drew on Minsky in building a model of how people assess their assets after making losses.
People's Bank of China and the Federal Reserve have communicated many times on several occasions. And the bimonthly regular meeting of Bank for International settlements is one of the channels.
The People’s Bank of China and the FED have met in various occasions to discuss relevant issues. The bimonthly meeting held by Bank for International Settlements is one of those channels.
That, at least, is the fear of the Bank for International Settlements.
S. currency remains the most popular among global banks, accounting for 55% of the assets and liabilities they hold in foreign currencies, according to the Bank for International Settlements.
国际清算银行(Bank for International Settlements)的数据显示,美元依然是最受全球银行界欢迎的货币,占这些银行外币资产和债务的55%。
S. currency remains the most popular among global banks, accounting for 55% of the assets and liabilities they hold in foreign currencies, according to the Bank for International Settlements.
国际清算银行(Bank for International Settlements)的数据显示,美元依然是最受全球银行界欢迎的货币,占这些银行外币资产和债务的55%。