The board has banned the film on the grounds that it contravenes criminal libel laws.
He said a reporter had asked him whether cigarette smoking should be banned in film and TV and he was trying to argue that bad behavior needed to be regulated in real life first.
House churches, he said, cannot afford to stay silent - one of the reasons he granted CNN rare access to film in his banned church.
Sweden, on the other hand, used the controversy to its advantage, marketing the film as 'The film so funny that it was banned in Norway'.
"PRESUMED GUILTY", a documentary film which was released in Mexico in February and banned two weeks later, is the opposite of a whodunit.
While it did get a national release, several British town councils banned the film locally and some bans continue to this day.
The acclaimed Iranian film-maker Jafar Panahi was sentenced to six years in prison today, and banned from directing and producing films for the next 20 years, his lawyer said.
Banned from Eastern Europe and briefly boycotted in Germany, because environmentalist organizations complained that the film had disturbing scenery of ecological disaster.
The Danish film-maker Lars von Trier has described the comments that got him banned from the Cannes Film Festival as "thoughtless and stupid".
丹麦导演拉斯•冯•提尔(Lars vonTrier)因发表不当的言论而被禁止参加戛纳电影节,他的言论是“轻率地,愚蠢的”。
The Danish film-maker Lars von Trier has described the comments that got him banned from the Cannes Film Festival as "thoughtless and stupid".
丹麦导演拉斯•冯•提尔(Lars vonTrier)因发表不当的言论而被禁止参加戛纳电影节,他的言论是“轻率地,愚蠢的”。