The earliest Protestant state to send an ambassador was Prussia in 1805: its envoy was Baron Wilhelm von Humboldt, a philosopher and linguist.
最早向梵蒂冈派出大使的新教国家是普鲁士,时间是1805年,当时的使节是哲学家兼语言学家威廉·冯·洪堡男爵(Baron Wilhelm von Humboldt)。
The earliest Protestant state to send an ambassador was Prussia in 1805: its envoy was Baron Wilhelm von Humboldt, a philosopher and linguist.
最早向梵蒂冈派出大使的新教国家是普鲁士,时间是1805年,当时的使节是哲学家兼语言学家威廉·冯·洪堡男爵(Baron Wilhelm von Humboldt)。