Rescuers are ready to dynamite Tangjiashan barrier lake.
After two blasts, the level of the barrier lake decreased by a meter.
Shiyan city, a city in northwest Hubei, a two-million square kilometer barrier lake has been formed by a massive landslide.
The mudslides occurred at around midnight in Zhouqu County, when the residents were asleep, and a barrier lake formed on the Bailong River at around 1 a.m.
The mudslides occurred at around midnight in Zhouqu County, when the residents were asleep, and a barrier lake formed on the Bailong River at around 1 a. m.
Helicopters carrying equipment to blast the sides of the barrier lake, which is 3 km long, 100 meters wide and 9 meters deep, have been pressed into service.
A landslide dam located in the Huanghe upriver was formed by two landslides, then formed the barrier lake which is core area of national natural protection now.
The landslides that occurred at around midnight were caused by a barrier lake on the Bailong river, which is posing another serious threat to the people in the area.
Another 45,000 people were evacuated and thousands of soldiers converged on the area to dig out survivors and blast away debris that had created a barrier lake several kilometres long.
Another 45, 000 people were evacuated and thousands of soldiers converged on the area to dig out survivors and blast away debris that had created a barrier lake several kilometres long.
A severe storm destroyed a natural barrier between the house and the lake.
No carp have been found above the barrier, although biologists have detected their DNA in numerous spots past it and even within the lake itself.
Clean up crews have removed more than 6000 tons of algae from the lake and laid a barrier to stop the algae from reaching a drinking water plant.
Officials said two weeks ago that DNA from Asian carp had been found between the barrier and a lock near the lake.
The riparian zone is a functional transition region, the last protection barrier of lakes, which is connected the lake aquatic ecosystem and the terrestrial ecosystem.
Rescuers are preparing to blast the barrier of the swelling dammed lake at Tangjiashan near Beichuan County with dynamite.
The electrical barrier, installed in 2002 to repel fish with non-lethal jolts, had been thought to be the only thing standing between the carp and Lake Michigan.
Water from Lake Erie began to flow north to Lake Ontario as a result of the loss of the ice barrier.
Water from Lake Erie began to flow north to Lake Ontario as a result of the loss of the ice barrier.