The entrance is crowned with a bas-relief depicting a deer, peacock, some other birds and a rider in the middle who strikes the lion.
Then in 1900 a bas-relief of St. Mary Magdalen, quite elaborate I’m told, was placed before the altar.
The entrance is crowned with a bas-relief depicting a deer peacock some other birds and a rider in the middle who strikes the lion.
They have to create a bas-relief works, mostly about the painting works at that time, as well as with hunting animals is the characters give priority to.
The project, which covers about 2,000sqm, is a monolith of concrete pigmented with iron oxides, completely decorated with a bas-relief engraved with the letters of the alphabet.
Each of the latter two contains front and back chambers and fine bas-relief work at its entrance.
Above the arch there was a long bas-relief carved in harder stone, with worn and blackened figures representing the four seasons.
Angkor Wat features the longest continuous bas-relief in the world, which runs along the outer gallery walls, narrating stories from Hindu mythology.
Bas-relief egg-and-dart moldings (with alternating oval and pointed forms), and scrollwork such as that found on Ionic capitals and in the running-dog pattern (or wave scroll).
Throughout the site are specially commissioned works of art, including paintings of the life of Mary, a sculpture of the Madonna and a bas-relief on the portal depicting the ascension.
The project, which covers about 2,000sqm, is a monolith of concrete pigmented with iron oxides, completely decorated with a bas-relief engraved with the letters of the alphabet.
The entrance is crowned with a bas-relief depicting a deer, peacock , some other birds and a rider in the middle who strikes the lion.
The entrance is crowned with a bas-relief depicting a deer, peacock , some other birds and a rider in the middle who strikes the lion.