It determines two very important factors: the guaranteed CPU cycles the LPAR will get at any point in time, and the base unit of measurement for utilization statistics.
The base unit of measure for determining our expected load was "page views per second," which measures how many pages the portal server can serve for each second during peak load.
Unit is a base type that represents a unit of deployment in a topology model.
The unit tests at the base of the pyramid are important for several reasons.
Let's put it this way: I can be away from our code base for a month and with the unit tests and the well factored code, i can find whats going on in minutes.
Once this is created we will have the base from which we shall build the new template (this, of course, can be applied to any project type, not just Unit Tests).
On the left side of the phone you've got the new volume buttons, a redesigned mute switch, and a small notch towards the base of the unit.
The name is a reference to International Prototype kilogram, as a base unit of mass in the International System of Units.
Therefore we can use a base test class for all Wicket-related unit tests.
Listing 16: Base test class for Wicket unit tests of Warsaw and Global projects.
Create the type of project that we want to use as the base for our new project template, so for our purposes the best option would be a Unit Test project.
Cost Modifier: the base unit for calculating the cost of business service usage.
Cost Modifier:计算业务服务使用成本的基本单位。
JsfTestCase: This is the base test class for unit tests for Servlet and JSF components in a web application.
Shepherd who had worked as an Apache helicopter mechanic at a US military base in the south German town of Katterbach has been AWOL from his unit since April 2007.
Unit tests represent the primary safety net that allows you to refactor your code base at will.
It consists of a base unit and handset embedded together in a single and continuous ellipsoidal form factor.
It is a sealed unit, crimped at the base.
The microphone is quite sensitive so you can be some distance from the base unit and still be heard by the call centre staff.
The base unit scores with an excellent torsional stiffness.
The woofer's top is a volume controller and itself is the main base unit that charges the other speakers.
Any personal buttons, sensors or alerting devices communicate with the base unit via radio signals and thus dont need to be connected with wires.
The unit to base electrical plug permits instant valve unit replacement without disconnecting piping or wiring.
But the costlier Edge configuration I tested had a larger battery than the base unit, so would likely last only two-thirds as long.
Can we agree that budgets affect us at the base level (Family Unit)?
The unit to base electrical plug permits instant valve unit replacement.
The track system trolley features a unique dovetail mounting design which securely holds the power unit base in position for maximum accuracy.
Remeasurement means changing the unit of measure from the base currency of a business unit to its functional currency.
Remeasurement means changing the unit of measure from the base currency of a business unit to its functional currency.