This is calculated by determining the difference between the old value, the baseline value, and the result value from the new analysis.
Without some common baseline data, such experience reports are of less value than they could be.
It then had the calorific value of this baseline diet cut, in three monthly tranches, until it had been reduced by a total of 30%.
Using 60% of the baseline standardized uptake value as a cutoff point, the sensitivity of the approach was 61% after one course of chemotherapy, 89% after two and 88% after three.
We believe that it can contribute in the future to preoperative assessment and baseline reference value for perioperative management.
Earned value USES your original cost estimates saved with a baseline and your actual work to date to show whether the actual costs incurred are on budget.
There were no significant differs in the baseline level or 72h value after PCI of the maximum platelet aggregation rate (MPAR) between the two groups.
The value of OI, RI, Lac of all patients was different with that of baseline (P<0.05).
The value of OI, RI, Lac of all patients was different with that of baseline (P<0.05).