The article has classified scientific research in junior physics, points out the basic steps, common process and points for attention.
This article reviews the basic physics of ECR discharge and experimental research, and describes new applications of ECR plasma in surface processing, plasma coating and ion source.
Nonlinear tearing mode instability is simple in space physics, and it is basic to research space physics.
In this research, basic transformation methods of learning difficulties of motility in high school physics teaching have been concluded.
Since the concept of light quanta was put forward in 1905, photons, as a basic quantum object, has been active in the research of fundamental physics.
Theoretical physics is the main course of physics major, and the teaching of theoretical physics course plays an important role in the research of basic science and the training of physics talents.
First we review our tools which will be used in our research. After a detailed introduction to the QCD sum rules approach in Chapter 2, we review the basic concepts of instanton physics.
本文分为两个部分,首先是我们所采用的研究方法的介绍,包括第二章对QC D求和规则的详细介绍以及第三章对瞬子物理基本概念的介绍。
First we review our tools which will be used in our research. After a detailed introduction to the QCD sum rules approach in Chapter 2, we review the basic concepts of instanton physics.
本文分为两个部分,首先是我们所采用的研究方法的介绍,包括第二章对QC D求和规则的详细介绍以及第三章对瞬子物理基本概念的介绍。