The main contribution of these tools is that GUI dialogs, tree views, and tabs replace command-line switches; but the basic file structure is the same.
这些工具最大的贡献是用 GUI对话框、树视图和选项卡代替了命令行开关参数,但其基本的文件结构还是一样的。
The main contribution of these tools is that GUI dialogs, tree views, and tabs replace command-line switches, but the basic file structure is still the same.
In the concept bank, hierarchical relations are the most essential relations, and are the basic elements in the organization of concept Banks. 2 figs. 3 tabs. 4 refs.
In the concept bank, hierarchical relations are the most essential relations, and are the basic elements in the organization of concept Banks. 2 figs. 3 tabs. 4 refs.