Anaerobic Sequencing Batch reactor (ASBR) is a new type of anaerobic reactor.
The integrated sequencing batch reactor(SBR)was used to treat a small-scale hospital wastewater.
The denitrification in the batch reactor has higher efficiency than that in the continuous flow reactor.
The Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) has been employed to treat the sauce and pickle foodstuff wastewater.
The macro-kinetics characteristics of decomposition of witherite with nitric acid in a batch reactor are studied.
The application of sequencing batch reactor (SBR) process to the treatment of slaughter-house wastewater is presented.
As scale up is desired, the most straightforward approach is to move to a larger batch reactor such as a large VAT or tank.
Black aerobic granule sludge with good settling velocities was cultivated in sequencing batch reactor (SBR) fed with sucrose.
The synthetic process of 2,4di?tert?butylphenol was studied in a batch reactor, while isobutylene was used as alkylating agent.
以异丁烯为烷 化剂 ,在间歇反应釜中研究了苯酚烷基 化反应合成2 ,4二叔丁基苯酚的反应工艺。
The results of this study showed that ozonation could be used to reduce the excessive sludge yielded in a Sequence Batch Reactor (SBR) system.
The experiments of treating dyeing wastewater have been finished using filtration with iron filings and Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) method.
The difference between a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) and a batch reactor was analyzed for the enzymatic kinetic resolution of enantiomers.
Parameter estimation in dynamical systems, example : least squares fitting of rate constants from batch reactor data, parametric sensitivity analysis.
Sequencing batch reactor (SBR) was used to treat digested piggery wastewater, in order to investigate the impact of proportion of adding raw wastewater.
The batch reactor is high nonlinear process, includes all difficulties of batch process, involves the sequence control, logic control, loop control, etc.
Impact of COD/N values of feed wastewater on COD, nitrogen removal and biomass growth in a sequencing fed batch reactor (SFBR) operation was investigated.
The model supplies a new way to change COD_sludge load scientifically and timely to improve the removal efficiency of nitrogen in the Sequencing Batch Reactor.
这为工艺运行中及时、合理地调整COD -污泥负荷来提高系统脱氮效果提供了一条新途径。
The cultivation of aerobic granular sludge used for nitrogen removal in Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) fed with a synthetic municipal wastewater was investigated.
MSBR (Modified Sequencing Batch Reactor) is a new developed Biological Nutrient Removal technology, which is quite different from the other transformations of SBR.
It has also been constructed in two phases and is equipped with a Sequenced Batch Reactor plant and, soon, with a sludge treatment facility (digesters/centrifuges).
On the control arithmetic, mainly discussed batch reactor temperature control policy, general analysis batch reactor temperature's characteristic and control difficulty.
After treatment by Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) combined with chemical flocculation, the effluent can be discharged in accordance with the national standard, GB 3544-92.
用序列活性污泥法和混凝法组合技术处理该种废水,可达到国家GB 3544—92二级或一级排放标准。
An optimal control scheme for sequencing batch reactor (SBR) wastewater treatment processes is proposed to achieve the wastewater effluent standards with minimal energy consumption.
The morphology and structure of granulation process of activated sludge, the reactor performance and size distribution of granular sludge were investigated in a sequencing batch reactor.
Anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (ASBR) is a new type and high rate anaerobic reactor, which has the advantages of being able to bearing high impact loads and having wide range of use.
The aluminium oxide in Kaolinite is leached in hydrochloric acid which is the foundational reaction to produce poly-aluminium chloride. In general, batch reactor is adopted in the reaction.
The aluminium oxide in Kaolinite is leached in hydrochloric acid which is the foundational reaction to produce poly-aluminium chloride. In general, batch reactor is adopted in the reaction.