The law in Florida, and elsewhere, says there must be a single guardian or “surrogate decision-maker”.
A deliberate, perhaps plodding, decision-maker, he hated to be rushed into making changes and preferred to stick to his plan regardless of circumstances.
Subjects thought the crude man was more likely to be a decision-maker and get his way than the same man behaving himself.
March and Simon (1958) take the viewpoint that a decision-maker can be usefully regarded as an information-processor.
Memos must be clearly written, succinct, and give make a reasoned case to a decision-maker.
If you are a decision-maker of any kind, you no doubt realize that making decisions based on wrong assumptions renders your chances of success to be miniscule.
The answer could be different for each decision maker, because each decision maker assigned a different relative weight to the attributes.
These 1-page memos are meant to be no more than 1 page, and are typical of what a high-level decision maker would expect when they ask you for background information or your recommendation.
In particular, why should a rational decision-maker wish to be consistent?
The decision maker can specify degrees of constraint conditions, and reach a satisfactory solution. Meanwhile the decision process can be made more flexible.
Once formed, the forecast has to be used, presumably by a decision maker. In general, a superior forecast should lead to better decisions.
Once formed, the forecast has to be used, presumably by a decision maker. In general, a superior forecast should lead to better decisions.