Why do you say, we recognize the origin of the Neolithic stage of the dragon, there may be a lot more than just a point.
That would be a lot more than the cost to Sweden of sorting out its banking crisis in the early 1990s (around 4% of GDP) but in line with Japan’s 14%.
It takes a lot more than a nearby airport to be a city of the future.
But it takes a lot more than a nearby airport to be a city of the future.
If you can start the conversation with a question other than "What do you do for a living?", you'll be able to get a lot more interesting conversation out of whomever it is you're talking to.
If you are creating a mutable class m, you should be prepared to write a lot more documentation about the treatment of references to m than if m were immutable.
When you live a life of deception you get to be very good at it; a well-constructed lie is a lot more useful than the truth.
TONY: Could this treaty be worth more than the others?A lot more?
Oftentimes you’ll be tempted to do a lot more than necessary.
Whatever you think you know to be certain is probably a lot more flexible than you think.
There will be a lot of habitual off-label takers, more people than in the trials, so the regulators need to monitor them for side-effects-especially in children.
Statistics, dry as they may be, give a lot more information than stories.
IE4 introduced a blazing fast (at the time) rendering engine as an embeddable component that could be used in other applications-this was a lot more important than people realize.
Banks will soon be holding a lot more capital than they used to, which should make the system safer-though it would be even better if they held even more.
But even if they do, the next step - adapting the cargo vessel so that it can carry people - will be a lot more complex than simply bolting in seats and pumping in oxygen.
There's a lot more to be considered than what it feels like to write aspects in each style.
By keeping in mind that a set can have more than one type (elements, text, or attributes), you'll be able to write those paths a lot better, and ensure they evaluate to what you want.
I sense that I will be doing a lot more housework than usual this week.
This may be contributing to the sensation that I’m sleeping a lot more than I actually am.
Archaeologists consider feasting to be more than just sitting down to eat a lot of food.
This can be a lot more complicated than it looks.
'One of the core features of the project is to show that an electric vehicle does have the range and capacity to be a lot more like a normal driving vehicle than people expect at the moment,' he said.
The speech of Saint Peter seems, I think, in a lot of ways to be a lot more like a fire and brimstone sermon than it is a passage in a pastoral poem.
But the new effort will have to be a lot more thorough than the first.
But to be honest, I make more as a consultant, and I find consulting to be a lot more interesting than scratch lottery tickets.
But to be honest, I make more as a consultant, and I find consulting to be a lot more interesting than scratch lottery tickets.