It was simple enough, in those old days, to define with approximate accuracy when a given statement ceased to be the truth and became a lie.
The fishermen know the approximate time of year when they will be allowed to fish, but on any given day, one or more field biologists in a particular area can put a halt to fishing.
Be sure to mark the date, your approximate mileage and time, and a few comments about how you felt (i.e., "finished strong", "felt sluggish first 2 miles").
Be sure to mark the date, your approximate mileage and time and a few comments about how you felt (i.e., "finished strong," "felt sluggish first 2 miles").
It's an approximate yardstick but does seem to be the case; the farther north you travel from the bustling seafront towns the farther back you go in time.
Be sure to mark the date, your approximate mileage and time and a few comments about how you felt i.e.
Because almost every IT organization faces an on-boarding problem, any of the variables represented below can be adjusted to more closely approximate your situation.
He said he needed to decied whether an interview would be applicable and if so, he could then make an approximate time to see her.
The messages were selected randomly to better approximate the steady state of production conditions, in which no one request type was likely to be submitted more than another.
In this experiment there were no half-measures, for it to be effective it had to closely approximate the real experience of prisoners and guards.
If you can approximate the volume and perhaps the intensity of your running workouts, you should be able to maintain your conditioning.
This can be especially important if using the size of a particular font to approximate a certain width. It stinks to see carefully crafted navigation break to the next line.
So the first thing is, let's approximate that we could take the sum not to some finite level, which would be the case if there's a finite number of elements in the chain.
Obviously existing web sites that currently attempt geolocation (using IP or other approximate methods) will benefit from a far greater accuracy and will thus be able to provide a better service.
The RSS (process size) field from the ps command output might be used to provide an approximate size of the core file. For example
The approximate weight of the concrete used in the construction of the mighty Azteca stadium is said to be in excess of 100,000 tons.
They and gauss-lobatto collocation points can be utilized to approximate the solution of these problems in this paper.
Taper roller bearings of the series 313 are particularly adequate due to their comparatively large contact Angle (approximate 30 deg), when high axial forces are to be considered.
If the maximum detection time is required to be minimal, the problem is proved to be NP completeness and an approximate algorithm is given.
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If you would be kind enough to let me know in advance the date and approximate time of any intended visit.
For long rides, it is a good idea to ask in advance what the approximate fare will be.
If you would be kind enough to let me know in advance the date and approximate time of any intended visit, I will make arrangements to be on hand to receive you.
He said he needed to decide whether an interview would be applicable and if so, he could then make an approximate time to see her.
This bezel can be used to determine approximate directions.
According to the results of calculation and analysis, Colebrook formula is considered as a accurate formula, and approximate formulae only can be made rough calculation and mathematical analysis.
The result shows that the non-linear model should be rather more approximate to the true bedded media than that of the linear one.
Thus the approximate quadratic expression of SVSR boundary can be obtained by the calculation on a given operating point close to the boundary.
The method to achieve the grey solution of the planning model is an approximate one, but it is effective, which can be widely used to solve similar planning problem.
The method to achieve the grey solution of the planning model is an approximate one, but it is effective, which can be widely used to solve similar planning problem.