You must adjust your manners to be apt for the occasion.
The only difference, this one's more advanced in its communicative features and will be apt for the gizmo-centric generation.
Men are more apt to be irritable and angry—moods that aren’t assessed in classic diagnostic tests, says Zindel Segal, a psychologist at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.
Until the market decides if Obama is good or bad for stocks, and to what degree, volatility is apt to be the norm.
At this point, you may want to create APT or RPM packages to be used for configuring your clients.
Yet if the statisticians are right, one sixth of the current British population will live to be centenarians, trapped in bodies that belie their mental agility - or worse, make an apt match for it.
They well knew the risk they took, for such quarrels were apt to be quite as disastrous to the victor as to the vanquished.
Many individuals are more apt to seek informal support from family and friends, which may not be sufficient to prevent long-term distress for some.
Now, for our association, the collective life for us, can be apt each other for us arriving at I believe in certain can English be learned forever!
The more we examine our attitudes and work on ourselves, the less we are apt to be swept away by stormy emotional reactions in which we seek easy explanations for unbidden events.
If arriving at a lifetime down, we it is finaler for to be able to not be apt arriving at , do not remember if talking about hurting person words very much.
In case it is necessary for a vessel to transport any cargo with uncertainty whether apt to cause pollution damage, an assessment shall be made beforehand in accordance with the relevant regulations.
Debt consolidation loans possess all necessary features for paying off debts and thus they are apt to be used for consolidating debts.
Moral state reflected highest moral value, with "to be apt to" for its core value, of the Confucianist "benevolence" or "sincere" etc is to reach supreme moral state.
In other words, patients taking pills for their high blood pressure may be less apt to see the need to exercise, watch their diet or lose weight.
The man who lives by himself and for himself is apt to be corrupted by the company he keeps.
Be careful what you wish for, they say. You're apt to get it.
This algorithm has less operation and higher precision and higher speed, and is also apt to be implemented by hardware. So it is suitable for real time 3D graphics processing system.
The advantage of iron pot, in addition to cheapness, be subjected to caloric quickly, energy for our body supplement iron outside, have a sterigma defect, that is to apt to rust.
The advantage of iron pot, in addition to cheapness, be subjected to caloric quickly, energy for our body supplement iron outside, have a sterigma defect, that is to apt to rust.