Those teachers and parents must be arrested by police and severely punished by laws.
Krantz finally frees himself from the handcuffs, only to be arrested by a team of cops who have just arrived.
Any one of us can be arrested by Maya at any moment if we are not strongly attached to Krishna Consciousness.
The doctor is one of several people suspected of helping the CIA to have been arrested by the ISI, but he is thought to be the only one still in custody.
Anyone who is lawfully arrested shall have the right to a fair trial by the judicial organs without delay and shall be presumed innocent until convicted by the judicial organs.
Once individuals are arrested in large numbers (well over 1, 000 had been by the time The Economist went to press), powerful peer networks and the groupthink that goes with them can be broken.
Abrahim had told him that it was dangerous to sleep alone, but he had also said that if he slept in the town he was certain to be beaten and arrested by the police.
Rev. Benedettini said the woman who pushed the Pope appeared to be mentally unstable and had been arrested by Vatican police.
STUART: I'll be careful. Don't worry. I don't want to get arrested by the FBI.
Past financial crises show that this downward spiral can be arrested only by bold policies to regain market confidence.
They say the arrested miners must be released by Sunday or they will apply to the high court to order their release.
To better understand the nature of the disease, it should be stated that alcoholism isn't cured by sobriety; it is only arrested.
About 20 people have been arrested so far but more are expected to be rounded up, and questioned by police in the coming hours and days.
The former worker was subsequently arrested and sentenced to three years in jail, to be followed by another three of supervised release.
In case the belongings carried by the criminal suspect need to be seized when he or she is arrested, the matter shall be handled in accordance with the preceding paragraph.
He is the first suspected top smuggler to be arrested in Africa and detained in Italy which, like Greece, has been overwhelmed by an influx of hundreds of thousands of migrants since 2008.
In the Philippines, you can be arrested for beckoning somebody by curling your finger, because this suggests that he or she is a dog.
On hearing the girl struck by a truck has been sent to hospital by ambulance, many people volunteered to donate blood and left the message that the driver should be arrested as soon as possible.
Once individuals are arrested in large Numbers (well over 1,000 had been by the time the Economist went to press), powerful peer networks and the groupthink that goes with them can be broken.
Belgium was preoccupied by the news that threepeople said to be associated with the Paris attacks had been arrested outsideBrussels.
Should the ship be arrested due to any disputes over its ownership or debts owned by the shipowner, the shipowner shall guarantee that the interest of the charterer is not affected.
Should the ship be arrested due to any disputes over its ownership or debts owned by the shipowner, the shipowner shall guarantee that the interest of the charterer is not affected.