Each of these three record types can themselves be assigned "types" (discussed below) to further refine the nature of the work.
In addition work items can be assigned to adifferent iteration, category or owner using similar actions from the context menu.
Work items assigned due to role inheritance cannot be transferred on the object that inherited the work item, but only on the original object, where staff resolution occurred.
Just like ordinary computers in a physical test lab, virtual machines might be used by individuals during work hours and assigned to nightly regression tests during off hours.
Some of the tables in the list contain information about the various types, states, categories, severities, and priorities to which work items can be assigned.
Enhanced support for groups allows for work to now be assigned to a specific group where any member of that group can claim it.
Doing work that should be assigned to others.
They found that eight general terms for scents (citrus, floral, green, fruity, herbaceous, musk, Oriental and woody) could work as families to which more than 2,000 specific scents could be assigned.
Then the angels began to talk at once, no one claims to do the work assigned to him is more difficult, so he should be better appreciated.
He preferred to be assigned some heavier work to do.
We are waiting to be assigned a new work.
Volunteers will be assigned in group to 1 of the 10 sites in rural Henan, Guizhou, Gansu, Fujian, and Sichuan province to work on-site for about 4 weeks.
Place of Work: Islands District Office or other location as assigned; may be required to work outdoor.
Place of work: Public Enquiry Service Centres (PESCs), Islands District Office, or other location as assigned; may be required to work outdoor.
To assist in your child's learning I ask that you ensure your child is completing the work assigned for homework or classroom work which is to be completed at home.
You can define categories of work item types to help run queries and track information that may be similar but is assigned a different name.
You can define categories of work item types to help run queries and track information that may be similar but is assigned a different name.