We should choose the right person to be at the helm of the company.
Now, it is allowed that a single parent might be at the helm of a family.
It feels great to also be at the helm here; always as if I've never been away.
Announced today, Chelsea have revealed that the chief executive will not longer be at the helm from October 31.
Mr Jobs' thin frame and gaunt appearance sparked questions about his health and for how long would he continue to be at the helm of Apple.
Black CEOs categorized as having a babyface tend to be at the helm of more prestigious corporations than black CEOs who have a more mature appearance.
Reason was at the helm, and, particularly niggling, travellers to the East had reported no Eden to be found.
It remains to be seen whether his disciples who are now running the show can make equally smart choices, and whether Apple will be able to prosper without its magician-in-chief at the helm.
WHEN Bill McDermott and Jim Hageman Snabe jointly took the helm at SAP in February they promised to be much “bolder”.
The Swiss-born former-mountain guide will be joined at the helm of \"Turanor\" by Gerard d\'Aboville, the first man to row across the Atlantic and the Pacific. They will be assisted by two engineers.
瑞士出生的前登山向导将会加入由Gerardd\'Aboville掌舵的“Turanor”, Gerard d\'Aboville是第一位划船穿越大西洋和太平洋的的男性。
Next year, Jigsaw will be returning in saw: Legacy, with directors Michael and Peter Spierig at the helm.
Next year, Jigsaw will be returning in saw: Legacy, with directors Michael and Peter Spierig at the helm.
A toast with the captain of this cruise ship might be done with a glass of milk rather than something alcoholic - because there's a cat at the helm.
WHEN Bill McDermott and Jim Hageman Snabe jointly took the helm at SAP in February they promised to be much "bolder".
At its helm is a skinny, contemplative student of the world who revels in asking questions and couldn't be bothered by so trivial a pursuit as warring with the company's rivals.
Anthony Hopkins plays the genius at the helm of this digital Dodge City, and it looks like he will not be as adorable as Richard Attenborough's grandfatherly architect of Jurassic Park.
Our technical familiarity with Western and Asian production environments allows us to identify and report real time activities, keeping you at the helm, where you should be.
Of course, this will not be done, given the greed at the helm of most industries, but this is life in a 3rd density world.
The community is like a ship, everyone should be prepared at the helm.
The community is like a ship, everyone should be prepared at the helm.