But creative imagination should be based on fact, not good to be true.
The imposition of administrative penalty shall be based on fact and corresponded with the facts, nature, circumstances and harm to the society of the illegal acts.
You would be making an assumption that's not based on any fact that you could report.
The security services that public key cryptography enable are based on the fact that a message encrypted using the public key can only be decrypted by the corresponding private key, and vice versa.
The bank's reasoning, however, is based on near-term valuation due to the fact that Sina's profit margins will be under pressure while the company repositions itself.
The general exposure stems from the fact that the SACK option receiver can be made to do an arbitrary amount of work based on the reception of a single packet.
Instead, the universe appeared to be accelerating in its expansion.That fact could not be explained based on what we knew of the universe at that time.
The two-minute guideline is based on the fact that most things that can be handled in that time frame would actually take longer to organize and review again than to finish in the moment.
Then the data that are produced can be put into models to determine how far, how high and how wide the ash will spread that will be based more on fact than on guesswork.
Understanding that the foundation for remaining faithful is not be based on a fear of hurting her, it's based on the absolute fact that I want to be faithful because she is the one I want to be with.
The fact that WS-Transaction is based on web services means that transaction support can be made interoperable across vendor-specific transaction management applications.
WS - Transaction基于Web服务这一事实意味着,我们可以在特定于供应商的事务管理应用程序之间将事务支持变为可互操作的。
The fact that Chrome OS is largely Web-based perturbs Stallman because a great amount of users' data will be stored on Google's cloud.
As has been reported many times here, SOA is not Web Services, so we hope that the benchmark will not be limited to simply testing SOAP-based technologies. In fact the organization does go on to say.
In fact, a number of different decoration companies on the market, they will be in the decoration of the house will be based on consumer choice of materials used.
The theory of the electron is based on the fact that it will be an electron forever.
In fact, whether it is based on the type of garage door, or automatic door, when we use it is best to be a little more careful.
In fact, promotions may be based on an employee's ability to communicate effectively with others.
In fact, any aesthetic theory should be based on a school of philosophy.
There will be a brief oral and written report due in the second class based on your fact-finding.
Such wellness programmes are based on the idea that your health affects your work but ignore the fact the reverse can also be true.
Firstly, the suggestion seems to be based on the fact that new college graduates may have learned mountains of theories but lack practical abilities.
It's based on the fact that events bubble up and can be handled by a parent element.
In fact, based on what I have researched, yes, abuse of steroids can be harmful.
The fact is we simply don't know today, based on this initial report, whether or not this test is going to be better, as good as or even worse than PSA testing when it is put into a clinical trial.
Must complete a memorandum based on the fact pattern provided below. The memorandum should be between 10-15 pages.
必须完成下面提供的基于事实式样的备忘录。 备忘录应该是在10-15页之间。
In fact, bolt is a product which could be used almost everywhere in the widespread area based on the careful design.
That fact could not be explained based on what we knew of the universe at that time.
Covariance velocity spectrum is based on the fact that the sampled data can be arranged in eigen structure of covariance matrix.
Placer mining is based on the FACT that heavier substances can be separated from lighter ones in water.
Therefore, an accounting object, which is based on the fact, abstract enough and easily operating, should be the economic relations in the operating activity.