And if the purified consciousness has been purified towards love without any hindrance, let, or stint, then the service of such a one will be beyond description.
It would be nice if the next version of service description would go beyond what WSDL or Web Application description Language (WADL) are today - "machine-readable" description of services.
Eg: It's beyond description. Nowhere else in the world can there be such a quiet, beautiful place.
Beyond the scope of the land used for construction as determined in the overall plan of a city or town, no development zones or new urban zones of any description may be established.
It transcends speech and is beyond description such as being or non-being. 4 He would not be entangled in apparent disagreements due merely to a different viewpoint or mode of expression.
It transcends speech and is beyond description such as being or non-being. 4 He would not be entangled in apparent disagreements due merely to a different viewpoint or mode of expression.