"I believe some countries now are playing with fire. And I hope the U. S. won't be burned by this fire," Cui said, as quoted by the Wall Street Journal.
When the seaweed plants die, they will be disposed of by being burned for fuel.
The good news is that inside fat can be easily burned off through exercise or even by improving your eating habits.
If you're a man, maybe you'll be hung by your wrists and burned alive.
Assuming it comes from properly managed forests, however, wood is a green fuel because the CO2 released when it gets burned will be sucked from the air by the trees planted to replace the felled ones.
Lawmakers today aren't seeing the forest for the trees; that will change when the forest has burned or been destroyed by bark beetles, but by then it will be too late.
Or, to put it more simply: if everyone else around you is burned out, hanging on by a thread and generally unhappy, that might not be a badge of pride.
Both problems can be solved by escharotomy of the burned skin down to the deep fascia.
In alluding to the prophet Isaiah in the prelude, Milton suggested that the iniquity of his lips had to be purged off — burned off, with the live coal supplied by one of the seraphim.
And while the collapse of the industry may itself be relatively distant, its distortions are already evidenced in the lives of those who are getting burned by the overheated market.
The report said the dead were burned beyond recognition and will have to be identified by DNA testing.
The report said the dead were burned beyond recognition and will have to be identified by DNA testing. The cause of the fire is being investigated.
Several other materials can be used for liming purposes, such as, baked or burned oyster shells, marl, basic slag, wood ashes, and cement industry by-products.
Bipolar junction transistors may be burned out by injected electromagnetic pulse.
The Jade Emperor tried to have Monkey killed in every horrible way he could think of, however Monkey could not be cut by blades, nor burned by fire.
The environmental pollution can be solved by producing non-burned and steam-free bricks, so that the comprehensive utilization of multi-metal resources will be realized.
The fire has burned about 650 acres and is expected to be contained by the end of Friday.
When burned by a member of your own faction, you will be sent to your starting location and lose full XP.
Those who see them as part of the problem are like that mob in an episode of "the Simpsons" that reacts to a meteorite hitting the town by calling for the observatory to be burned down.
The production ratio will be increased by putting one additive in the reactor with the burned copper and ammonia. At the same time, the content of forrign matter is up to the standard.
When the skewers are thoroughly cooked put them up on the top layer of the oven, by doing so not only the heat can be preserved but also the food won't be burned.
In the thirties, it changes into a fire-proof iron door, cold and solid. Now it could not be easily burned through by the fire of passion, but could be infiltrated by the water of tenderness.
"Jade can be broken but its white color exists. Bamboo can be burned but not destroy its integrity." is often compared to integrity of people by the ancients. It presents high and bright integrity.
"Jade can be broken but its white color exists. Bamboo can be burned but not destroy its integrity." is often compared to integrity of people by the ancients. It presents high and bright integrity.