These results provide support for researchers' prediction that naltrexone will turn out to be toxic to certain types of bacteria.
Scientists say both studies demonstrate that certain parts of the ecosystem respond rapidly to reductions in atmospheric pollution, but that these findings should not be used as a license to pollute.
They can just be symptoms of a sleep disorder that can result from an unpleasant experience, stress, or certain drugs.
The formula for a well-made play required that the certain of these elements be included in a particular order.
What Descartes has done is find at least one thing that he can be certain of.
It just explains that you feel a certain way and it might be contradictory to what is expected of you.
It is remarkably, however, that Seneca himself never mentions the plays, since there are certain passages in them that could be used to illustrate points of his philosophy.
The next generation of E-mail filters, say HCI researchers, will be "gradation" filters that delay notification or delivery of certain e-mails to avoid bothering the recipient.
Perhaps there could be certain frequencies of trapping fields that would displace the boundaries of one key energy transition by exactly the same degree.
When using the REST API, you also need to be aware of certain HTTP headers that are required in every request.
But her equipment, too, must be set to one mode or the other, and she cannot be certain that the polarity of the photon she sends to Bob is correct.
You can be certain that potential intruders learn of those security holes quickly.
On the other hand, English does oblige you to specify certain types of information that can be left to the context in other languages.
It used aliens in place of actual species to be certain that the participants could not draw on prior knowledge.
There are reports that this will lead shortages of certain car parts and other items that would ordinarily be exported to the United States and elsewhere.
On pain of fines, but with the carrot of subsidies, these require that a certain amount of renewable fuel be blended into petroleum-based fuels over the next decade or so.
Because you've described the collection to be of a certain type, all calls to get items out of that collection return the given type.
Some type of jobs - in the securities industry, for example - require that candidates be free of convictions for certain crimes.
We shouldn't think that certain kinds of humor must be banned, but we have to be sensitive to how it's used.
In terms of lack of funds, I also have another idea. That is to require every vehicle owner to pay a certain amount of premium that will be used as part of the victims' medical treatment expenses.
This policy is usually used if you want to make certain that processes will not be killed because of low paging conditions.
This class usually gets its data from a filesystem directory that contains a certain set of files that follow a certain structure, but it doesn't absolutely have to be a directory.
The second observation is that certain accommodations must be made to get the best out of a domestic robot, something that seems unlikely to change any time soon.
It may be that at certain times of the day that requests must be sent to an alternate endpoint, be handled asynchronously, or even refused altogether.
Regardless of rule changes, there are certain factors that must always be considered.
Regardless of rule changes, there are certain factors that must always be considered.