Possibly he also knew that he dresses up very much is attractive is sitting happily in that raises hand to cheer, looked at it red big mouth to twist the mouth sidewise cannot be closing up.
As in the previous listing, be sure to clean up on completion by closing the queue handle and disconnecting from the queue manager.
At home I would be up before anyone else and at night I would be the one closing the curtains.
The opening time of several subway lines will be postponed and closing time moved up for 1-2 hours.
部分地铁的首班车时间推迟了1 -2小时,末班车时间则提前1 - 2小时。
He also said that at a time when the world desperately needs a pro-growth strategy - closing down, rather than opening up markets - would be the worst possible thing to do.
"The bottom-up world is to be the great theme of this century," declares Mr Ridley in the closing pages of this sunny book.
“这个倒置(bottom - up)的世界将成为本世纪的伟大主题”,里氏这部阳光普照的作品在结尾时如此宣告。
“The bottom-up world is to be the great theme of this century,” declares Mr Ridley in the closing pages of this sunny book.
Finally, in closing, you must thank the interviewee for the time and ask if a shorter follow - up interview can be scheduled at a later date, if necessary.
Plant to be designed with minimum effluent and maximum closing up of the water loops to the Recovery System.
WA 8525 has slightly pull up effect power. So it can be added to oils in order to improve the closing and feel.
WA 8525有轻微变色,故能添加入油脂组份里,增强其封闭性,改善手感。
It has the functions of automatic cutting, skip binding (up to four-step), spiraling and closing, so the manpower can be saved and waste can be rebuked.
The new dart will be obtained by closing up the neck dart.
The new dart will be obtained by closing up the neck dart.