Can a child be conceived in zero-G?
Designs cannot be conceived in a vacuum, but I like to add, Design cannot be executed without a strong process.
By formulating a clear business statement, boundaries for the 'corporate entity" can be conceived in the context of wider environmental trends that influence the business."
通过公式化一个清楚的企业声明, ‘团体的实心”界限可以被设想在影响事务的更宽的环境趋向中。
This project must be conceived in terms of a "product' that your team will design, with a set of overall objectives and especially with a set of minimum specifications which it must meet."
At the same time, he was anxious to do what he conceived to be his duty to his superiors in England.
Thus children who were not conceived in the marriage bed, were said to be conceived “on the bast” and were therefore bastards.
These policies mandate that products must be made, conceived and designed in China.
What may be the world's cheapest fridge was conceived from a marriage of ideas generated by Indians in India and Indians overseas.
But the research raises profound ethical questions, because human embryos - typically conceived in vitro - are destroyed so that stem cells may be harvested.
They are conceived as abstract representations of greenhouses, trowels and wheelbarrows - objects that are to be found in the gardens of the neighbouring houses.
And the message is again simple: believe, and you will achieve; conceive, and it will be conceived, in reality, in the world; it will come to you.
The good women can be brought home to meet the parents and appear in public with their partner openly, while this is conceived as the better of the two type’s women know this is not the case.
"Loneliness has been conceived in the past as depression, introversion, shyness or poor social skills," says Cacioppo. "Those turn out not to be right."
The increase is thought to be a product of the recovering economy - many of the projects completed in 2014 were conceived before the 2008 recession, as were many more that will be completed this year.
The typeface was conceived to be one of the pillars of Spore's branding strategy, functioning in body text as well as in display situations.
This conceivable being would have, in addition to God's properties, a quality lacked by God, ie, existence, and so would be greater than the being greater than whom nothing could be conceived.
In the second antinomy we have a discussion of the dilemma: Matter must be conceived either as endlessly divisible, or as consisting of atoms.
The plan was conceived some months ago and ought to be fulfilled in time for the 2018 elections, according to Kommersant's sources.
And so infinity is not, as most frequently happens, to be conceived as an abstract away and away for ever and ever, but in the simple manner previously indicated.
Six tenets proposed in cognitive semantics can be conceived of as the important guideline for the studies of meaning of language.
They met in this deep mountain valley, lived harmoniously and conceived their unique customs and culture which can be proudly called the precious treasure trove of the Three Gorges area.
Anselm observed that if God is defined as "the being greater than whom nothing can be conceived," then to deny the existence of such a being lands one in a contradiction.
Is it to be conceived that men who have enjoyed, for such a length of days, the light and happiness of freedom, can be restrained, and shut up again in the gloom of ignorance and degradation?
The works must be conceived with fire in the soul but executed with clinical coolness.
It can be known through the analysis of all kinds of historical materials that they conceived by accident that they pass through Old Feng Qiu Gate in inner city north wall but Jin Long Gate.
It can be known through the analysis of all kinds of historical materials that they conceived by accident that they pass through Old Feng Qiu Gate in inner city north wall but Jin Long Gate.