She may be convinced to seek help.
Athletes must be convinced to eat a rational diet.
The test of this is, How easily can you be convinced to change your mind?
If you have faith, you only need to be convinced to pay the Federation of return.
I cannot be convinced to believe or disbelieve in God until I see some real physical proof.
Two people must be convinced to let you go. That's not very likely if you're making measurable and appreciated contributions on each team.
When nations breach agreed international norms, the countries who espouse those norms must be convinced to band together to enforce them.
Tell her she is a smart and vivacious friend, but when she drinks, she loses the qualities that make her so wonderful. She may be convinced to seek help.
The business market can be convinced to pay premium prices more often than the consumer market if you know how to structure your pricing and payment terms well.
If it wasn't a problem to shop with our own baskets and bottles in the recent past then surely the consumer can be convinced to return to similar practices today.
Go through the motions and see what happens - you might discover that amazing things happen when you're bold, and you might be convinced to carry this bold behavior into your everyday life.
But can be convinced to write with ink specifically true mountain south Dong Yuan created by modern people call "Southern Water and ink painting School" (Song Mi call it as "Southern painting").
How, how on earth is Congress ever going to be convinced to pass a package of, of the kind he's talking about when no guarantees can be made to the general public that the laws will be respected?
This, he thought, could not be true, because the "Origin of Species" is one long argument from the beginning to the end, and has convinced many able men.
When people today are shown a very ordinary Roman pot and, in particular, are allowed to handle it, they often comment on how modern it looks and feels, and they need to be convinced of its true age.
Whilethe results look promising, the test group was very small, andindependent experts in the field have yet to be convinced.
But there is a group that has yet to be convinced: the powerful Association of Chief Police Officers.
We shouldn't be dismissive, but that's not to say that I think we should be convinced.
She "remains to be convinced" that the EU needs its own military headquarters.
Dan Yu: while, you don't need to be convinced of the lvoe story of cinderella , that forever lasting love stroy had been lack faith in everyone in nowadays.
I am profoundly convinced that Shanghai deserves to be the venue of the World Expo 2010.
He has yet to be convinced of the merits of self-repairing tunnels, however.
And how are all those dataset-using developers now going to be convinced the EF is the right way to go?
Some within NYSE Euronext remain to be convinced that equities, derivatives and other products can be squeezed onto a single trading platform.
Of their personal charms he had not required a second interview to be convinced.
USDA was not organized to deal with low-income farmers or the rural nonfarm population, and its agencies would need to be convinced of the need to direct more attention to these groups.
I'm convinced that I'd never be able to live this life if I was also paying for storage.
And therefore You knew what I would need to hear - from Your Word - to be convinced of Your love for me.
Management need to be convinced that the change will deliver on one of the two fundamental strategic objectives that drive every organisation - reducing cost or increasing revenue.
Management need to be convinced that the change will deliver on one of the two fundamental strategic objectives that drive every organisation - reducing cost or increasing revenue.