I am just curious about what would it be like if you kissed a girl.
A next step would be asking your parents to tell you about their lives, either their past, the decisions you are curious about or even their present day.
Kids will be curious about it when they reach a certain age.
Along with a new body awareness, your child is likely to be curious about exploring other children's bodies and will play games such as doctors and nurses.
Target gives Apple a different sort of clientele that may be curious about the tablet computer but had no real way to check it out in person.
If you're curious about how Android works and would like to try it out on a real machine, this is a great way to see how fast a mobile OS can be on a netbook or desktop.
Craig Reynolds, a computer graphics researcher, was curious about what these rules might be.
克雷格·雷诺兹(Craig Reynolds)是一位计算机图形研究员,他非常好奇这些都是些什么法则。
Shouldn't you be just as curious about a new job?
Already Malia seems to be moving into a different phase; she's more curious about boys and relationships, more self-conscious about what she wears.
Of course, I would be more curious about knowing why but it's the beginning so its really hard from a matter based scientific perception to a non-matter.
It is so beautiful outside. The sun is shining, there is a breeze, and seems to be a curious amount of butterflies' flying about. Have a wonderful day of rest!
My advise to anyone curious about the ways of life of our neighbors on the planet is to take the plunge into other cultures; you are sure to be in for a pleasant surprise.
ABSTRACT: After opening a wine bottle, would you be curious about the meaning of alien words on the cork?
The woman writes: "There might be a keen eye out there who recognizes this place and I'd be curious about that three-headed tree! ""
Suit or no suit, with the type of technology and cool engineering crammed into the X300 everyone's going to be a little bit curious about this notebook, and envious of anybody that has one.
Suit or no suit, with the type of technology and cool engineering crammed into the X300 everyone's going to be a little bit curious about this notebook, and envious of anybody that has one.