Khrushchev (referring to American model home) : "You think the Russian people will be dumbfounded to see this?"
You think the Russian people will be dumbfounded to see these things, but the fact is that newly built Russian houses have all this equipment right now.
I stood, dumbfounded, wondering if I should be the one to answer this child's first question about the birds and the bees.
Ask a Kidlington resident why anyone, nevermind someone from as far away as China, would want to come here, and you will be invariably greeted with a look of dumbfounded amazement.
I'll admit I used to be that person who looked at long-distance couples absolutely dumbfounded.
I stood, 17 dumbfounded, wondering if I should be the one to answer this child's first question about 18 the birds and the bees.
I stood, 17 dumbfounded, wondering if I should be the one to answer this child's first question about 18 the birds and the bees.