Tears, be they of sorrow, anger, or joy, typically make Americans feel uncomforuble and embarrassed.
Since the start of Japan’s deflationary era in 1999, the BoJ has stoutly resisted calls to set an inflation target against which it can be judged—and by which it can be embarrassed if it misses.
They were only three of us in the elevator, I felt very embarrassed to be in the middle of them.
Your family would be embarrassed, your rich guests insulted and your poor guests hungry, for they would be too self-conscious at the head of the table to eat their fill".
Know that if your teen gets into hot water, he may be too embarrassed or afraid of your wrath and disappointment to tell you, even if you have a great relationship with your teen or — think you do.
Being embarrassed to be single was the reason given by 10% of respondents, with this not only being felt during the booking phase but also while on holiday itself.
I would be so embarrassed if they saw me eating out of a takeout container or putting something in the garbage that I would never do it.
You become less conscious of the individuals involved [including yourself], less inhibited, less embarrassed and less concerned about how you will be evaluated.
I promise that I will not show an embarrassed loser's face, my head will be high and my face would be glowing because the Olympic spirit is to compete irrespective of results.
Indeed, Dr. Pääbo and his colleagues were publicly embarrassed when an earlier analysis of Neanderthal DNA turned out to be thoroughly contaminated by modern human genes from lab workers.
I used to be embarrassed to admit that I learned nearly everything I learned about grammar and logic outside of the college classroom.
I would be embarrassed to spend thousands and thousands of dollars when people are losing their jobs, homes, cars etc.
The famous British " stiff upper lip" has become a thing of the past, according to a survey on Thursday which found Britons are no longer embarrassed to shed a tear or be affectionate in public.
In sixth grade, your idea of a friend was the person who went up to Nicky or Susan, your new crush, and asked them to dance with you, so that if they said "no", you wouldn't have to be embarrassed.
But whether he gets embarrassed while there - it is not going to be just an issue of an individual, it is going to be an issue of the United States prestige.
Each time he packs his bags, though, he is embarrassed by having to include a dog-eared set of notes that really ought to be locked up in a safe.
Has become a thing of the past, according to a survey on Thursday which found Britons are no longer embarrassed to shed a tear or be affectionate in public.
"We were astonished," says Mats Ramstedt of Stockholm University. "in the UK people just don't seem to be embarrassed about how much they drink."
斯德哥尔摩大学的Mats Ramstedt表示:“我们感到十分吃惊,因为英国人似乎对他们的饮酒量毫无羞愧之感”。
Be very self-conscious in front of other people and feel embarrassed
Tears, be they of sorrow, anger, or joy, typically make Americans feel uncomfortable and embarrassed. CET-6, 2003.9.
The famous British "stiff upper lip" has become a thing of the past, according to a survey on Thursday which found Britons are no longer embarrassed to shed a tear or be affectionate in public.
We should not be embarrassed or dismayed if the process of unifying is difficult, even at times wrenching.
Say we're at a baseball game and we're sitting in left field. We're really kind of scared a ball's going to be hit to us and we'll have to catch it or be embarrassed.
If I may be at once strong-willed up, fall too thin thin, but you, I know you're embarrassed to give me too little of the collapse.
GHS donated one of her own art work. GHS was very embarrassed to be found out.
In sixth grade your idea of a friend was the person who went up to Nicky or Susan, your new crush, and asked them to dance with you, so that if they said no you wouldn't have to be embarrassed.
In sixth grade your idea of a friend was the person who went up to Nicky or Susan, your new crush, and asked them to dance with you, so that if they said no you wouldn't have to be embarrassed.