If one torr equals 1 millimeter of mercury, then 1 millitorr must be equivalent to 1 micrometer of mercury, right?
I'd I be equivalent to the band's conductor!
In tennis, this would be equivalent to overplaying in a match.
The tools used are said to be equivalent to the earth digging and moving.
This is said to be equivalent to about one-tenth of the total used by restaurants.
Small turtle eating a meal can be equivalent to one week without eating meals.
A subsequent ratification has a retrospective affect, and be equivalent to a prior command.
A subsequent ratification has a retrospective affect, and be equivalent to a prior command.
The text should be equivalent to approximately six typed pages, accompanied by illustrations.
It is shown that after the HVSPDT breakdown its status can be equivalent to the spark resistance.
According to Tyack, the individually distinctive calls of dolphins may even be equivalent to names.
So with the first family treating him like royalty for the time being, "that might be equivalent to fame."
Installing smart meters in 25% of American homes, GE estimates, would be equivalent to removing 1.7m cars from the roads.
The net return to the seller is the price less the tariff, which is why this can be equivalent to buying at a lower price.
The remedy might be equivalent to modified original requests, such as new meeting room requests for the negotiated outcome.
The annual savings by the feds using more energy efficient PCs would be equivalent to conserving 1.3 billion barrels of oil.
If spaceships that can fly faster than the speed of light were built, a day on board would be equivalent to a year on Earth.
The flea can jump 350 times its body length. For a human, that would be equivalent to jumping the length of a football field.
跳蚤能跳出自身长度350倍的距离,人也能如此的话, 就相当于一个足球场的长度!
Blocking the quorum sensing system would be equivalent to using white noise to interfere with spoken communication, Blackwell adds.
In a system that processes transactions, the amount of live data that needs to be copied will be equivalent to one set of live transactions.
As long as owners drive at least 12,000km a year, overall running costs will be equivalent to, or lower than, a petrol or diesel-powered car.
As long as owners drive at least 12, 000km a year, overall running costs will be equivalent to, or lower than, a petrol or diesel-powered car.
And SEO also is special profitable technology, those who master is good, be equivalent to can opening a Woerma on the network at any time.
The text should be equivalent to about six typed pages, accompanied by illustrations (don't forget to list the source of each illustration!
This would beat the record (set in the distant past of fiscal 2009) by $150 billion and be equivalent to 11% of U.S. gross domestic product.
The arteries of a 30-year-old woman with similar risk factors could be equivalent to those of an average woman who is more than 80 years old.
Although a planar pair might theoretically be included, this would impose no constraint and thus be equivalent to an opening in the kinematic chain.
And that would be equivalent to what we did with a previous change of variables. So, in this case, certainly you would never draw a picture like that.
And that would be equivalent to what we did with a previous change of variables. So, in this case, certainly you would never draw a picture like that.