The three upper lab levels are designed to be flexible and adaptable for future change.
In this scenario, however, we see a distinct and vital requirement that the solution be flexible and adaptable.
On one hand they are told to be agile, flexible, and adaptable, but on the other they are told to conform to pre-planned traditional Iron Triangle framework of scope, schedule, and cost.
OOP languages are flexible and adaptable, so programs or parts of programs can be used for more than one task.
Highly praising Primitive Architecture, Otto insisted on applying the beauty of minimum in Primitive Architecture to modern buildings, which should be "light, energy saving, flexible and adaptable".
It should be emphasized in drawing up new specifications that the method of supplying foam by catenary suspension and flexible connection is also adaptable.
With rational unit length and hinge rotating Angle, the flexible casing can be adaptable to the buckling borehole.
Aviation system are the most flexible, most adaptable and the most valuable part, but its performance is also the most likely to be adversely affected.
Aviation system are the most flexible, most adaptable and the most valuable part, but its performance is also the most likely to be adversely affected.