Quite to the contrary, it's about being fully present, fully conscious to our life and to all that's around us, realizing that we can be this calm in the center of the storm with our breath.
The conquerors are merely those among men who are conscious enough of their strength to be sure of living constantly on those heights and fully aware of that grandeur.
This period of awakening ahead shall be the single shortest rise in consciousness that has ever been witnessed in any fully conscious species that has ever existed throughout time and space and form.
In fact, in the second part of the dream the dreamer appears to be fully conscious, he can speak clearly, to the point that the single words and the intonation of his voice can be remembered.
Humans were designed to be fully conscious, and conscious of the act of dream weaving.
The pink will allow even more light to be amplified, which is the agreement of fully conscious species, to contribute even more to the whole than those species that are not fully conscious.
The pink will allow even more light to be amplified, which is the agreement of fully conscious species, to contribute even more to the whole than those species that are not fully conscious.