The last couple of games I've been disappointed to be on the bench, but when I've been given my chance I've been doing alright.
If a given set of sequences isn't doing anything important, which is usually the case, then the rat, mouse, human, and chimp versions are expected to be very different from one another.
Given this, the onus of proof is with Google's would-be prosecutors to prove it is doing something wrong.
You may be personally changing what you're doing, given personal goals; and the job itself may need to look different, given the shifting nature of the work at the departmental or divisional level.
And no, before you ask, I won’t be doing a similar list for science fiction works (all ten slots would be given to ‘The Iron Dream’, by Norman Spinrad).
Some 32m of the country's 49m or so uninsured would be required to get insurance; starting in 2014, and the poorer ones will be given subsidies for doing so.
As Clint warns you do have be on the lookout for cheaters (perhaps doing trivial and pointless checkins every hour) and reset the points every so often to given everyone a chance to win eventually.
If any person held responsible of each unit retaliates against the statisticians who refuse to prepare counterfeited statistical data or resist doing so, he shall be given administrative sanctions.
You might be given the opportunity to take a small force into a mountain enclave to retrieve a magical sword, and in so doing might ignore one of your outposts, which is then sacked by the enemy.
One way of doing so is to concentrate sunlight onto them. That means a smaller area of cell can be used to convert a given amount of light into electricity.
I have already given instructions for the task to be taken up first and the engineers doing the job to work overtime.
I have already given instructions for the task to be taken up first and the engineers doing the job to work overtime.