A positive attitude towards life must be good for health.
The World Health Organization is the latest group to suggest a daily cuppa Joe might be good for health.
The scientists at Rutgers University in New Jersey say a low to moderate intake of caffeine combined with exercise can be good for health and prevent damage caused by the Sun's ultra violet rays.
There are a number of vitamins that are vital for good hair health, the main ones being vitamins C, D and E, and in a balanced diet all these vitamins should be readily available.
It can not only be good for our health, but also make it possible for us to get closer to nature.
We know about the benefits of eating fittingly for our physical health, but food, and cooking it, are proving to be good for our mental health as well.
It will be good to your health and provide you with plenty of energy for life activities.
There is no need to convince myself that chocolate can be good for your health. The thing is, we perhaps might need to moderate our indulgence.
Ong speculates that if positive emotions are indeed good for our health then, "one direct, measureable consequence of this should be the extended years of quality living.
Previous studies have found that chocolate might be good for you, though doctors usually warn that it is more important to focus on one's overall diet when it comes to health.
The panel recommended a general warning, such as "Alcohol is not good for your health", be placed on labels as part of a wider national public health campaign.
Marriage may be good for men's health, but doesn't really matter for women.
This way you will see that you will be able to maintain good health and stay fit for the rest of your life since you know that you know when to eat healthy and when to indulge.
This will be good for our personal health as well as for the health of the planet.
They acknowledge that shopping could be a marker for those in good health to begin with, but suggest shopping itself may improve health.
The next food that you should be eating in your diet is vegetables because they too are good for your health.
Staying single all your life may not be good for your health.
Among other professions, job opportunities for physicians should be "very good," the guide says; health care dominates the list of the fastest-growing jobs, capturing 11 of the top 20 slots.
A good fight with your spouse could be good for the health, a new study has found.
Many foods that tend to be favorites among men are not the best choices for good health.
For example, catalytic funding can be used to help a ministry of health draw up a good survey plan.
There are twelve different types of Vitamins that have been officially recognized for being essential for good health, and that need to be incorporated into the diet.
Many yoghurts are loaded with live bacteria, and labelled with claims that consuming these microorganisms can be good for your health.
Once the awful effects of smoking on health became clear, however, smokers could be harassed for their own good.
The best-known essential fatty acids are omega 3 and omega 6, which must be in balance for good health (and good skin).
This diet, I think, will be good for your health.
Even small amounts of physical activity can be good for your health and add up over the course of the day and the more active we are the more we can help reduce our cancer risk.
Part-time jobs might be good for productivity and company output. But they come without health care or wage protection or the guarantee that they'll exist in a month.
Part-time jobs might be good for productivity and company output. But they come without health care or wage protection or the guarantee that they'll exist in a month.