What happens if through disease a hip-joint ceases to be able to resist such forces?
You immediately pay off the $25,000 car, leaving $1,250 to be returned to hip national bank.
That means that you are never, ever going to be invited to the hip afterparties, no matter what you do or how many asinine “initialisms” you say are words.
It will mean that organ transplants, hip replacements and cancer treatment may have to be halted because antibiotics used to protect patients from hospital infections will no longer work.
And so it seemed that Apple would be relegated to devices for the hip digital consumer and creative elite.
“We don’t know how waist-to-hip ratio represents ‘overall’ attractiveness, only that studies have found it to be related to judgments of female attractiveness, ” Plaut said.
“我们不清楚腰臀比与‘完美女人’之间是何关系,这项研究仅发现腰臀比与女性身体的吸引力有关。” 普劳特说。
On the cover of Japanese Men’s Vogue she poses with one hand on her hip and another on her head with what appears to be a steak under it.
Is this a case of just using a new technology to be hip and have something flashy to put on your resume?
Of course, the hip flexors have to be strong, too; if they are too weak, you won't be able to lift your legs, no matter how high you raise your pelvis and spine.
If you like hip-hop, you'll definitely be motivated to move when you hear this song.
如果你喜欢hip - hop,当你听到这首歌曲的时候你肯定会有动力前进。
Perhaps as part of the Academy's campaign this year to be more cool or, in Hathaway's words, "hip", there were fewer of the gauche cutaway shots for which the Oscars are so rightly renowned.
Although a fashionable person of the 21st century can still be described as hip, they would not be referred to as a hippie.
But is it still hip to be square?
For example, hip endoprostheses include a metal femoral component to be affixed to the proximal femur and a metal cup to be affixed to the acetabulum.
See, I'm just trying to be a hip young mother and get along with your friends.
Hip-hop music can be fast or slow, and it will often combine parts of other styles to create music that will help people hear new things in old music.
It's small enough to be friendly and hip enough to offer lots of opportunities for fun.
Resolve to stop magnifying small problems and shooting from the hip. Words that you have to eat can be hard to digest.
Diagnosis may later involve an MRI scan if a tear in the hip cartilage is suspected, but this can be difficult to ascertain.
Hip dislocation and the sequel of recurrent instability continues to be a problem following Total Hip Arthroplasty, and is one of the leading causes of revision surgery.
Total hip arthroplasty is an effective methods to treat ankylosed hip joints with flexion informity, emphasis should be put on the balance of soft tissues and avoid injury to nerve.
So Peter Mandelson, please note that jeans are not supposed to be worn like trousers. They should sit on the hip bone.
To be honest, when I first heard Dainton talking about it, it sounded to me like some middle-aged people trying to sound hip and cool.
With this in mind, TSA is generally considered to be as successful in relieving pain as total hip or knee replacement.
She likes to play piano and distastes hip-hop or rap. Also claims not to be interested in fashion.
The complexity of the artificial hip operation requires doctors and nurses have to be underway systemic and comprehensive treatment in the treating process.
According to the different hip ease, the shape of pants can be divide into five types: super loose pant, loose pant, the more body-fitted pant, fitted pant, slim pant.
According to the different hip ease, the shape of pants can be divide into five types: super loose pant, loose pant, the more body-fitted pant, fitted pant, slim pant.