If he goes on like this, he will be imprisoned some day.
If you do your entire family can be imprisoned.
Heknew that ideas could not be imprisoned like people.
If convicted, he could be imprisoned for seven to 15 years.
The prosecutor will ask that I be imprisoned for three years.
Carry a plastic bag in Delhi and you could be imprisoned for five years.
Doctors who don't follow the guidelines can be imprisoned for up to 12 years.
If you are obsessed by what other people think, then you will be imprisoned by their thoughts.
Remember they had absolutely no legal reason to be imprisoned, it was just a role-playing exercise.
But it does risk that innocent people could be imprisoned for long periods of time without any protections.
Features like the ship was sailing master, love does not allow to be imprisoned, only allowed to be pushed forward.
As the characteristics of the ship is sailing master, love does not allow to be imprisoned, only allowed to be before.
These individuals understand they would be imprisoned, or sued such that they would lose their life savings and homes.
For there creatures to become oil, it was necessary that they should be imprisoned between layers of rock for an enormous length of time.
He seems to be imprisoned in the contemporary technocratic imagination, which views the expert as the solution and the people as a problem.
The Special Court-Martial made the special hearing about Hamdan's case and decided that Hamdan was the fighter of the America's enemy side and should be imprisoned.
The hearing lasted all of five minutes, one of which involved the magistrates telling me that if I reported the details of what happened inside the room, I would be imprisoned.
Secret #4 from Ludwig Wittgenstein: "A man will be imprisoned in a room with a door that's unlocked and opens inwards; as long as it does not occur to him to pull rather than push."
The young men say that most people no longer have the tunnels come up inside their homes, because if they are caught they have no room for denial, and the whole family could be imprisoned.
The dead will be risen for judgment according to their deeds. All those who sinned, and their names not found written in the book of life, will be imprisoned in the lake of burning sulphur.
In this narrow sense, indeed, the imprisoned Mr Khodorkovsky might be compared to the exiled Andrei Sakharov in the 1980s.
诚然,狭义地看来,入狱的霍多尔科夫斯基可以和在80年代被流放的安德烈·萨哈罗夫(Andrei Sakharov)作对比。
I wasn’t as mobile as I had previously imagined, and I wanted to be free of all of my unnecessary possessions rather than imprisoned by them.
GET music OFF your COMPUTER Why: Because music bought digitally wants to be freed, not imprisoned in your portable player or laptop.
GET music OFF your COMPUTER Why: Because music bought digitally wants to be freed, not imprisoned in your portable player or laptop.