While there are many advantages of having a pet, keeping one in the dorms can be problematic because some students may be allergic to pets.
Cats are always in small size. They can be a great pet choice for people with limited space and busy lifestyles.
The biggest increase in pet spending this year is expected to be for veterinary care — with a total of more than $14 billion in spending.
Pet Rocks became a joke worth $3.95 each, and 1.5 million people paid to be in on it.
Pets can also be accidentally injured while objects are being moved so it is best to secure your pet outside or in a room where there will be no traffic.
I personally think that all prospective pet owners should be educated on pet ownership before taking in a live pet.
A small first aid supply kit kept in your car can be a live saver for your pet.
She suggests buying my daughter – who at nine is more aware of the world and likely to be worse affected – a pet, a cat or dog, or even a rabbit, she can "confide in".
她建议为我的女儿——她已经九岁了,对这个世界有更深的了解,很有可能被伤得更严重——买一个宠 物,一只猫或一只狗,或者甚至一只兔子这样她能“信赖”它们。
If children can imagine how it feels to be left out of a game or to lose a pet, they are better able to help those in need.
Also, don't be surprised if glowing dogs and cats become a new pet trend in future.
Warn your child never to put your pet in a closet or in an area where the pet could suffocate or in any other situation where the pet could be endangered.
There are a lot of different rescue organizations. Or people can put money in their will so the pet will be taken care of in perpetuity.
In early work in a social skills program for hyperactive children, Dr. Fine found that they could be more easily taught how to behave calmly if allowed to handle his pet gerbil.
That should be a sunny afternoon, the sun is not so strong, in short, your mood is very excited, because you will have a bird, with a special pet.
Pet can be a child in good company: they play with the children, but also the emotional exchange with the kids.
Getting a job is like enrolling in a human domestication program. You learn how to be a good pet.
Jansen said the "Orvillecopter," which is being displayed at the Kunstrai art festival in Amsterdam, is a tribute to his be loved pet.
Isotopes could also be used in pet food or as a means to protect workers or soldiers from radiation.
An animal who is purchased at a pet or discount store will be replaced by another one from these rabbit mills, leaving one less home for a bunny already in an animal shelter awaiting adoption.
Relax again borrowed at a time with her, but got another, it was more than I could bear, said in a pet to be through with her, and ran home in tears.
The English are supposed to be a nation of pet lovers, but in the nineteenth century London streets were full of hundreds of dogs that had been lost or abandoned by their owners.
The English are supposed to be a nation of pet lovers, but in the nineteenth century London streets were full of hundreds of dogs that had been lost or abandoned by their owners.