Agreement on an international carbon-price floor would be a good starting point in that process.
All those concerned must work together in order that agreement can be reached on this issue.
When you define the project, you make sure that you have an agreement with the project sponsor on what work should be completed in this project.
Algeria still insists, to the irritation of Morocco, that there should be a referendum under an international agreement signed in 2003.
If we do not reach a deal at this time, let us be in no doubt: once the damage from unchecked emissions growth is done, no retrospective global agreement in some future period can undo that choice.
If we can, we'll be able to complete an agreement that supports jobs and prosperity in America.
And do you think that with your agreement to try to avoid these things in the future that the case is now closed, or this is going to be a continued irritant in the relationship?
This is an agreement that a certain number of cars need to be constructed for road use in order to qualify as a "production" car.
The only contribution of Klein and Gordon in this respect was that they were sufficiently bold not to be perturbed by the lack of agreement of the equation with observations.
They demanded that the agreement be written in black and white.
Before the tests can be considered final, a representative of each team must approve them, demonstrating that all teams are in agreement regardless of who developed which tests.
The policy must state that resource threshold levels be below or at the guaranteed level of service availability forth in the Service Level Agreement (SLA).
In addition, your new architecture must be fully operational before that agreement expires to avoid problems for business units.
But a White House meeting later in the day highlighted work that still needs to be done to reach a final agreement.
But it was noticed that these two were never in agreement: whatever suggestion either of them made, the other could be counted on to oppose it.
This has been sprinkled around various EU treaties since Tony Blair ended the opt-out in 1997, meaning that its measures could only be restored to Britain with the agreement of all member states.
That conversation may not be put to paper as a prenuptial agreement, but certain, very specific items need to be agreed to verbally and, if possible, in writing.
There were not going to be two majority-Arab states in the Holy Land; Arafat had acknowledged that by signing the 1993 peace agreement with its implicit two-state solution.
In high HIV prevalence Settings, there was also agreement that control of XDR-TB will not be possible without close coordination of TB and HIV programmes and interventions.
At its core, this agreement means that Yahoo has given up on its search engine business. Microsoft will be able to increase its market share in the search engine and search advertising market.
Outcomes vary so much that there is little agreement about how extensive the damage will turn out to be in Britain’s case.
Outcomes vary so much that there is little agreement about how extensive the damage will turn out to be in Britain's case.
"Ultimately this has to be something that they believe in and are willing to commit to, and overcome obstacles and reach an agreement," said P.J. Crowley.
"Ultimately this has to be something that they believe in and are willing to commit to, and overcome obstacles and reach an agreement," said P.J. Crowley.