Even if the design were not specifically influenced by Chinese style, he adds, consumer insights from the Chinese market experience can sometimes be translated to and used in other markets.
If you prefer Chinese style, go visit Shanghai's temples where locals will be praying and ringing bells for good luck in the coming year.
The poetic parts are in what appears to be Classical Chinese, typeset italic and so far they do not carry important information, only add to the style.
Crossing the road in Chinese style should be abandoned.
Among the excellent literary works of the contemporary era of Chinese writers, Zhao Shuli and Lao She were who can be the representatives. Nationality style is the brilliance feature in their works.
It was not too much that she was said to be a writer with a unique talent and personal style in the history of modern Chinese literature.
His choice and use of words and expressions deserves to be considercd as the contemporary linguistic art, rich in Chinese style and air.
Should there be teaching-style and learning-style conflicts in Chinese EFL classrooms, what causes are behind them and how can the conflicts be solved?
The Chinese people will be delighted to see you in local-style dress and see you as friends and neighbors coming to visit us at home. Let me mention the ladies especially.
Nowadays , the character of cultural activities in human society return to Chinese education. Many excellent novel's version have been edited in textbooks to be an important style .
Nowadays , the character of cultural activities in human society return to Chinese education. Many excellent novel's version have been edited in textbooks to be an important style .