You must be in command of your resume and the story it tells.
He refuses to return incivility from incivility, because then he would no longer be in command of his own conduct.
There is no doubt that in the Internet era, one must get a good command of computer skills to be successful in getting a good job.
In the event of a failure, the standby's role can be switched to primary with a single command.
It is much more convenient during the testing phase to run the trigger monitor as a foreground process because all of the diagnostic messages will be visible in the command session window.
Once you have changed these to match your environment, the application can be compiled by issuing the 'ant' command without arguments while in the top level of the HelloIRM application directory.
The awk command can be complex and used in a wide variety of situations.
The result of the command should be set in the command before returning from this method.
All of the tools introduced in this article can be used by themselves from the command line.
Similarly, unity of command, specialization by function, and decentralization are items to be considered in the design of an efficient organization.
To narrow down your search, the concept of a command group (in the next section) will be beneficial.
In case of any error executing the command, an exception should be set in the command result.
In addition, if the change involves a profile command or a profile federation command, then a snapshot of the install image should also be taken.
User accounts can be stored in a variety of places depending on your configuration, and two tools give you a command-line interface while taking care of the back-end communication.
Alongside the NATO command structure, there will be a separate high-level committee of representatives from all countries taking part in military action, including Arab states.
You can specify where you want this new extension to be placed (in terms of PVs); just append the PV you want to use to the command.
Next, the total time (in seconds) of inactivity must be reached, as well as the time-of-day window for the command to be processed.
The number of lines skipped after each breakpoint can be modified using the SKIP option in the BREAK command.
As the Economist went to press, it was widely expected to be his second-in-command, Lloyd Blankfein, who comes from the trading side of the business.
This JAR file must be in the classpath of the program that needs to execute the command.
The real action now is in branded generics, which command a premium in many emerging markets due in part to the fear that unknown products might be fake or of dubious quality.
He was a great believer in the value of specialisation and the unity of command, that each employee should be answerable to only one other person.
The details for the multiple LDAP configurations can be found in the command syntax for each of the LDAP commands.
在命令语法中每一个LDAP 命令都可以找到多个 LDAP配置。
"Mugabe may still be on the bridge, but he's by no means in command," says a Western diplomat, stating a view held by many of his colleagues.
In the case of the call command, specifying a range causes the requested function to be called repeatedly: once for each line in the range.
To minimize the number of patches that must be applied to a base revision (per the changeset model), the cacherev command will create a new snapshot of the base revision in the repository.
The ls portion of this command outputs a list of the files (in this case, the contents of the two directories) to be copied.
The next scheduled command and telemetry testing will be in early 2009 after the integration of the next three flight instruments to the NPP spacecraft.
It's important to understand that the above declaration of namespace must be the first command or output in the file.
It's important to understand that the above declaration of namespace must be the first command or output in the file.