These values will be in terms of the net gain or loss for each unique branch of the diagram.
Selected one of its scale, but must be in terms of safety, applicable on the basis of reliable economic.
You will know what that puppy will grow up to be in terms of size, personality, conditioning and grooming needs.
I mean that's really where the fact should be in terms of risk issues rather than worrying too much about the illness per se.
The inside of the convention center is filled with light and will hopefully be all it claims to be in terms of sustainability.
Integrity should also be in terms of our own, if the powder was applied by the hypocrisy of our cheeks, it will cease to exist bright.
These constraints might be in terms of time, money, technology, decisions, compatibility, regulatory, people, process or all of the above.
I think I knew General Washington intimately and thoroughly; and were I called on to delineate his character, it should be in terms like these.
The water hammer in a pressure pipe in prototype can be in terms of theory simulated in a model, based on the gravity similarity and elastic material similarity.
The answer to this question may be found in data, such as cost per qualified lead, or the answer could be in terms of meeting your objective, such as establishing relationships in new markets.
By 2019 the domestic and the global brands will be equal in terms of quality.
Ironically, high consumption may be a mixed blessing in human terms, too.
In practical terms this law may be difficult to enforce.
The terms of engagement are to be agreed in writing.
You should be thinking in terms of graduating next year.
In crude terms , the causes of mental illness seem to be of three main kinds.
Inflation would be lower and so nominal rates would be more attractive in real terms.
MIRTP focused on what would be most appropriate for the inhabitants of Makete in terms of what was available, how much they could afford and what they were willing to accept.
It is widely acknowledged that students should be evaluated in terms of overall quality.
Hills and mountains are often regarded as the epitome of permanence, successfully resisting the destructive forces of nature, but in fact they tend to be relatively short-lived in geological terms.
The good negotiators set their objectives in terms of range, which they might formulate as "We hope to get two dollars, but if we get one dollar and fifty, it will be all right."
His Hollywood studio—the public heard—operated just like a democracy, where everyone was on first-name terms and had a say in how things should be run.
Some students complained in the strongest terms, demanding the rules to be changed.
Structures can be analyzed in terms of how they deal with downward forces created by gravity.
We expect that the second part of the year will not be very good in terms of wage growth.
The search for a more expansive view of meaning can be developed of examining a message in terms of who said it, when it occurred, the related conditions or situation, and how it was said.
Of course, you might think there might not be many areas where the tree could spread into, because it's very specialized in terms of the habitat.
Of course, you might think there might not be many areas where the tree could spread into, because it's very specialized in terms of the habitat.