"Limited service controller" on-off "switch must be in the extreme" off "position to open the enclosure door."
The journey would be dangerous in the extreme.
The agriculture sector must be placed at the center of development to cut in half extreme poverty and hunger by 2015.
One of the effects of climate change in New Zealand is that there will be more extreme weather.
The efficient machines can be arranged in clusters, and they can function in extreme weather.
One fear that would prove all too real was that in the extreme swings, some — but not all — trades would later be canceled, leaving them on the hook for unwanted positions.
In extreme cases people may even be seen wearing T-shirts bearing such messages as "The Property Market Bubble: Will It Burst?"
In extreme cases, the engine will stall and will not be able to start, said Nissan spokesman Mitsuru Yonekawa.
Because the load of resources can be balanced in the grid with unused resources, grid computing is like an extreme form of load balancing.
That which is not of the light is in extreme pain and will surface to be cleared and re-qualified back into pure Light and Divine Love.
Finally, and in the most extreme case, the development integration run time and system test environments can be combined.
In extreme cases, the team can recommend to me 7 that a team member be fired.
The most extreme reactions in this case could be vomiting or panic and anxiety attacks.
The problem appeared to be people's reluctance or inability to travel to see their GP in the extreme weather conditions.
Because the load of resources can be balanced in the grid with unused resources, grid computing is like an extreme form of load balancing between SOA applications.
In some countries, the Board can be personally and in extreme cases financially accountable for any negligence.
This virus may have a unique structure not found in viruses affecting bacteria and eukaryotes-it has to be able to survive in the same extreme environment as the organism it infects.
The study – due to be published next month – says rising temperatures and more extreme weather are increasing human exposure to pollutants around the world, including in Britain.
The tradeoffs that may be implicit in reaching extreme non-functional goals.
While selling your manager on extreme programming — or anything else with extreme in the title — can be tough, selling principles like improved unit testing often makes more sense.
Immediate impacts will be felt in the form of adverse effects from more frequent and more intense extreme weather events on food production, food distribution infrastructure and livelihood assets.
David, on the other hand, as the only boy in the faculty, tended to be extreme in his designs.
This man, in his attire, as in all his person, realized the type of what may be called the well-bred mendicant, — extreme wretchedness combined with extreme cleanliness.
“You don’t need to be extreme to be in the healthy category, ” said lead researcher Elisabeth Kvaavik of the University of Oslo. “These behaviors add up, so together it’s quite good.
City are starting to look a formidable force but Mancini's powers of man-management will be tested to the extreme in the five months to come.
The most extreme engineering project in the history of the world will be performed OFF the world... on Mars.
In addition, corpses of deceased cholera patients should be handled with extreme caution and correctly disinfected before proceeding with the burial ceremony to avoid further contamination.
Ohio may not rank dead last in an extreme number of subcategories, however its overall extremely poor showing causes it to be ranked as the least environmentally friendly state on our list.
Ohio may not rank dead last in an extreme number of subcategories, however its overall extremely poor showing causes it to be ranked as the least environmentally friendly state on our list.