The following categories of rules are considered to be inefficient.
Generally, most of emerging markets are found to be inefficient.
In addition, HTTP can be inefficient for program-to-program communication.
It would be inefficient to resize the collection with each add or remove.
Hesitation: Your actions may be inefficient. Why not lend others a hand.
On the one hand, your work can be inefficient;that is to say, you make efforts but receive little results.
On the one hand, your work can be inefficient; that is to say, you make efforts but receive little results.
Depending on the XQuery implementation, this construction may be inefficient in terms of memory consumption.
However, DOM implementations generally keep all XML nodes in memory, which can be inefficient for larger documents.
Rhythm: As noted above, athletes who run with an exaggerated stride length tend to be inefficient and tire quickly.
But in reality, the urban-rural gap in our country is big and the measures taken to narrow the gap are proved to be inefficient.
For very large parsed documents, such a two-step approach might be inefficient, but I find it easier to understand code written this way.
Dynamic programming is used when recursion could be used but would be inefficient because it would repeatedly solve the same subproblems.
When a beginning student of Aikido is attacked, his unconscious bodily reactions will cause his breathing and movement to be inefficient.
At that time, Acer appeared to be inefficient and inflexible in comparison with the purely export-oriented original equipment manufacturers (OEM).
But previous incremental update algorithms may be inefficient or cannot accomplish data update tasks when the wireless bandwidth drops dramatically.
While UCM has many important benefits, such as version management and defect management, we have found Web application deployments to be inefficient.
Therefore it would be inefficient to record the purchase, the yearly depreciation charges, the disposal and adjustments to depreciation on disposal .
However, for a long-running service, I imagine it would be inefficient in the best case, and impossible in some cases, to create all objects up front.
It is common for Alzheimer's sufferers to leave the toilet before they are entirely finished or to be inefficient in cleaning after relieving themselves.
Health markets may be inefficient because of poor information, and because of the adverse selection and moral hazard problems associated with health insurance.
But if reconstruction is seen to be inefficient or delayed by bureaucratic bottlenecks, cynicism will set in and it may be decades before such generosity will be seen again.
Always starting transactions at the highest level in the call stack (the API layer) can be inefficient, particularly in cases of high-user-throughput and high-database-concurrency needs.
The stimulus package provided money to convert the inefficient, paper-driven medical system to electronic records that can be easily viewed and transmitted.
In today's global markets, greater profits may be turned into investment capital that could easily be reinvested in old-style eco-inefficient industries.
Manually testing even this minimal application through its user interface would be tedious, error prone, time consuming, and inefficient.
The short answer is that the typical Latin American firm is a small, inefficient service business and may well be operating in the informal economy.
The short answer is that the typical Latin American firm is a small, inefficient service business and may well be operating in the informal economy.