There is a 60% probability that the population will be infected with the disease.
He says it is not unusual for thousands of children each year to be infected with what he says is normally a benign and mild disease.
A woman infected with HIV may be ostracized or abandoned by her husband if her condition is revealed, even when he is the source of the disease.
A woman infected with HIV may be ostracized or abandoned by her husband if her conditions is revealed, even when he is the source of the disease.
即使妇女的HIV是被丈夫传染的, 一旦病情泄露, 仍会受到他的冷待或抛弃。 (见上海新东方的《中级口译笔试备考精要》和《高级口译笔试备考精要》二书)
If you're bitten by a dog, you may be infected with a terrible disease - rabies.
If you're bitten by a dog, you may be infected with a terrible disease - rabies.