When allocating memory from the heap, the contents of that memory are garbage — whatever bits happen to be left over from the last time that memory was used.
Either way, if its roots are pulled up from out of the ground as the tree topples over, then there's usually a big hole, a pit left in the ground where the roots used to be.
If you have generated models left over from a previous generation, the shortcut check boxes on the first wizard page to generate palette, menu, and graphics will be disabled.
And in many parts of the country, the poles supporting nets, over which the cultivated nori spores are spread and left to grow, can be seen stretching out from the shore.
They shoot paper targets, cans, pumpkins left over from Hallowe 'en and whatever else we can think of that would be fun.
The "not used" field is always empty, so it's probably left over from a previous application and can be safely ignored.
The station can't simply be left in orbit, or it will eventually fall from the skies on its own, raining debris over a wide swath of the planet and possibly endangering people on the ground.
A biogas plant at the Muenchner Tierpark Hellabrunn will be fuelled by dung from elephants, rhinoceroses, buffaloes and antelopes, and any left-over animal food.
A few yellow leaves, left over from the autumn, chased each other merrily, and seemed to be playing tricks on each other.
But later studies found the cluster to be about 100 million years old — any dust left over from its formation would have dissipated long ago.
Let us be honest, if you are Lionel Messi and you have the talent, the medals, the money and the acclaim, all that is really left is getting one over the poser from Portugal.
Have you been wondering what could be a new use for that old oscillation transformer you had left over from your spark days?
The history issues among Sino-Japanese relationships can be divided into the problems concerning history interpretation and the problems left over from history.
ABSTRACT: Count yourself lucky if you still have a few bottles of wine left over from the holidays and you might be wondering how you're going to store and drink them all and if wine goes bad.
摘要: 作为一种消费饮料,葡萄酒必然存在适饮期与保质期的问题。 那么,葡萄酒应该如何储存? 开瓶的葡萄酒与未开瓶的葡萄酒可以用同样的方式储存吗?
According to recorded history, the earliest aqueduct in China can be traced to West Han Dynasty, but over 2000 years, no intact aqueduct was left for constant damage from nature and human beings.
ABSTRACT: Count yourself lucky if you still have a few bottles of wine left over from the holidays and you might be wondering how you're going to store and drink them all and if wine goes bad.
地下室或酒窖中储存的精品葡萄酒在漫长的熟化过程中,可以获得更加微妙复杂的口感。 品质还可以的葡萄酒,在未开瓶的情况下可以保存一年到两年。如果是普通的日常餐酒,买来就直接喝掉吧。
ABSTRACT: Count yourself lucky if you still have a few bottles of wine left over from the holidays and you might be wondering how you're going to store and drink them all and if wine goes bad.
地下室或酒窖中储存的精品葡萄酒在漫长的熟化过程中,可以获得更加微妙复杂的口感。 品质还可以的葡萄酒,在未开瓶的情况下可以保存一年到两年。如果是普通的日常餐酒,买来就直接喝掉吧。